A Duck House


Chicken coops are common on the homestead websites. But duck houses are an equally necessary thing for people who have this activity of raising ducks. So if you want your little ones to grow up safe and not get into fights with the chickens with which they can share the same yard, it’s time you make the effort of building a quack shack! The DIY project showcased here can be expanded with two 3 foot tall, 4 and 8 foot long sections. It’s recommended to make it poultry screened. Just look how happy the ducks are, swimming in their little pool. Here are a few things to consider when you want to build a Duck House…

Some things to consider:

Size. Before you decide how fancy your duck house will be, figure out how large it needs to be.
Flooring. Duck houses can sit directly on the ground but should have a wooden or cement floor so predators can’t dig underneath to gain access.
Bedding. Pine shavings work fine for bedding, but other ducks prefer straw.
Nesting Boxes.
Ventilation. The house should be at least 3 feet tall, with vents along the top near the roof to allow for good air flow.
Entrance/Exit. The pop door to your duck house should be sufficient for two ducks to enter and exit at once.



Here they are the day we brought them home….


Another awesome idea for the duck houses!

Here’s a Guide to Raising Ducks…

More ideas:


  • Beautiful design. I’ve kept ducks before and my only concern with this design is cleaning that wading pool. We had to refresh ours at least once daily.

  • paula m aldridge on said:

    good morning ..
    something I think you should consider
    concerning the pool .. how are you going to
    clean it. The way it is it would be difficult to
    clean and change the water but not impossible

    no worries be happy! Lord bless!!

  • Susan on said:

    For our ducks pool we cut a whole and put a large piece of PVC coming from the pool with a PVC valve up against the pool. Easy and cheap. We drain it daily spray it out with the drain valve open, close the valve and refill the pool.

  • OH I LOVE this!!!!!! We bought my 12 year old 4 ducks and they are ready to be moved into a coop. This is just perfect! Did you make it pr did you buy it? I sure hope you bought it, lol. If so, could you please tell me where to purchase it? Thank you.

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