Amazing and Innovative Bookshelf

Bookshelves these days are much more than simple rectangular pieces of furniture. Wouldn’t it be great to have an innovative bookshelf that makes up for a stunning wall accessory or a beautiful piece of furniture? Let us have a sneak peek into some amazing bookshelves with innovative designs for your home.

Create a list of materials needed and then go your local Lumber Store…

1.Dr. Seuss Bookshelf

These are available HERE…


3. Revolving Bookcase

available here



Take a look at this intelligently designed bookshelf by French designer and architect, Oliver Dolle. Made to look like an oak tree with the branches as shelves holding books, this bookshelf is a stunning work of art, a unique wall accessory, you can say. It can turn an entire wall into an attractive focal point, with the books resembling colorful leaves of the tree.

3 Responses to “Amazing and Innovative Bookshelf”

  1. Nico says:

    These bookselves are so creative, just beautiful.!

  2. lieve says:

    hi, could you please inform me/us what the name of the design or designer is for the shelf of the 7th design? it is picture number 9, the one where you can reconfigure the shelving modules into hundreds of different configurations. thanks a lot in advance!

  3. Robert Sarik says:

    This a great assembly of bookshelf designs. Great thought was put into these. Some really are technical. Others are very creative, Fantastic post! … I bookmarked this post for future inspiration. Thank you

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