How To Build A Herb Spiral



spiral-gardenby Sloan Foxe Ashleyspiral-herb-1


  • How about a PDF for those of us who can’t download a video? My device is ancient & barely has a data signal. If I try to download a video, all it does is buffer, endlessly. Thanks.

  • I love the idea but the image of the plants arrangement is cut so it is hard to tell which are the plants on the right. I think the order is very important because of the watering needs of the plants and the slanted shape of the spiral which will give less water to the top ones and more to the bottom ones. Can someone tell me which plants they are?
    Lovely idea, thank you for sharing

  • Cherie on said:

    The wire spiral garden has been making the rounds on FB for the last couple of years. Unfortunately, no one seems to be able to find the instructions anywhere.

    Please advise. Would love to make this type of garden but don’t want to have to guess on the construction.

    Thank you!

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