Toddler Room Decorating Ideas
Decorating your child’s room is not an intricate job, but a creative effort nonetheless. If the room isn’t decorated at all, than you should definitely take a look at what options are available. In the photos showcased here, you can see what other people have achieved ...
Bedroom Design Ideas With Barn Door
Changing the look of your bedroom can seem like a great challenge, not the mention a big investment. But there are lots of cool ideas that you can try to implement, especially if you’re into DIY. For instance, you can change just one thing in your bedroom, by adding a powerful ...
How to Turn Seven Standard Kitchen Cabinets From IKEA Into a Platform Bed With Storage Underneath
IKEA sure provides a lot of helpful pieces of furniture, but creative minds aren’t satisfied with only following instructions. The couple in this video has come up with an ingenious way of creating more storage space in their home. What he did is brilliant! By using a few IKEA ...
Build a DIY Built-In Roll-Out Bed
The lack of space is a real problem in our fast developing world and space-saving ideas are always welcome. If you live in a tiny apartment, where the lack of space is a daily issue you should search for innovative space saving ideas. Just like this next one, a really cool built-in ...
18 Clever Kids Room Storage Ideas
Kid clutter can be a real nightmare and keeping your child’s room neat is almost impossible. But this doesn’t mean you should give up the fight. If your kid’s room is small and storing your child’s stuff is a real challenge for you, this next tips will help you ...
DIY Tardis Murphy Bed
Everyone knows who Dr. Who is, right? The theme of this popular TV show can be transferred, with impressive beautiful results into your DIY furniture. Especially the TARDIS part of this awesome show. You can use the iconic phone booth to make a custom Murphy bed, an inspiring bookcase, ...
Astronaut Duvet Cover For Your Little Space Explorer
A plain and white piece of canvas offers so many possibilities, that’s why bed sheets come in so many amazing forms. Snurk, a highly creative Dutch designer made this stunning astronaut bed sheet that will give a very unique look to a child’s bedroom. It is perfect for ...
Triple Bunk Bed Design Ideas
The kids’ bedroom is as important as any other room of your home. Maybe even more important because their personality is slowly building itself so any intervention and implication, even in something trivial as a piece of wallpaper, will have significant effects on how they interact ...
Space-Up Double Bed
Finding the right bed for your child can put a lot of pressure on you, as there are a series of features you have to keep in mind. First of all, it is important to choose the rightly sized bed. Then comfort is another important aspect to keep in mind and last, but not least choosing ...