Cute Wallpaper for Kids
Do you want to make an update to your child’s room décor? Why not take a peek at the quirky new wallpapers on the market? We found these nice ideas at LG Hausys to get you started; there are some great décors for girls’ rooms, boys’ dens, and shared play spaces.

Modern Kids Bedroom Furniture
Kids are very demanding and finding the right bedroom furniture for your child is not an easy thing. Danish company Mimondo wish to be a part of the international market for kids furniture by focusing on new and innovative thoughts concerning design, production and use of materials. ...

Smart Under-the-Bed Trundle Playtable
This Smart Under-the-Bed Trundle Playtable is ideal for rooms where space is an issue. Why not make use of the area under his bed? A brilliant play area as well as useful toy storage for bedrooms that are short on space. The table will fit under most beds and rolls out easily. This ...

Amazing Young System Solutions – Creativity and Innovation
We have here a product of company Clei which has a great propensity for innovation, focusing on design directed to integrate Transformable Systems into modular and versatile furniture collection, for home furnishings, holiday houses and business residences. This is a amazing transformable ...

Luxury Bedrooms in a Traditional Style
If you dream about a romantic atmosphere in your bedroom, you should pay attention to exquisite decor schemes. Mostly all beds have a lot of gold elements and are made in gentle colors.
It is wonderful to wake up in such charming and opulent beds. This could give you very pleasant ...

A Piece of Art: Enignum Canopy Bed by Joseph Walsh
What that supposed to mean? Is it comfortable? Sometimes when we look at a work of art we are puzzled as to why show so? Why is not simple…because to be artist is sophisticated and art must be understood. Why did chosen Joseph Wals this concept? : “The concept behind ...

Dream Rooms for Kids
For a child, a bedroom is a place to do schoolwork, visit with friends, play games, listen to music, rough-house, read, build models, daydream, sprawl on the floor and keep innumerable possessions. So, this room is more than just a place to sleep. You’ll need to plan carefully ...

Space-Saving Ideas for Small Bedroom
Nowadays everything is possible, no matter if you have a small and cozy apartment or a spacious house. If you want to maximize as much space as possible, there are many solutions, even for limited spaces. As the pictures emphasize, there are many ideas in the field of design, which ...

Bedroom Themes For Boys
Decorating rooms for kids opens up a world of design possibilities that will not ordinarily fit into your home’s décor. You can encircle your kid’s room with a smart theme. We have here these creative rooms with a good and unique design inspired from many sports and another ...