Chainsaw Artist Turns Damaged Tree into Hand Reaching for the Sky

True artists see potential in any piece o material, even the most severed ones. Artist Simon O’Rourke found his inspiration in a tree that was formerly known as the tallest tree in Wales. But once the tree was damaged by a storm and scheduled to be cut down, the Natural Resource Wales asked the artist to save it.
The amazing hand sculpture created by O’Rourke is called Giant Hand of Vyrnwy and it measures 50 feet. The artist used the tree as a base for his piece and once you gaze up into the sky, the viewer can observe an arm emerging from it. Even the texture of the tree was carved in such a way that imitates the skin of an arm and for this O’Rourke needed some special tools.
He used chainsaws and grinders to sculpt this beautiful piece and it took him 6 days of work to complete it. But the result is one of the most amazing wooden pieces ever carved from a living tree and it can be visited near Lake Vyrnwy in Wales.

Simon O’Rourke: Website

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