Colorful Yo-Yo Pillow


We are going to show you today how to make some cute and colorful fabric yo-yo’s which then you can apply on a pillow. Yo-yo’s have been very popular in the 1920’s when they had a more classic look, but we found this great DIY project which takes them to a next level and helps you create bright and colorful fabric yo-yo’s. For this project you will need: patterned fabric (it is great if you have leftovers but if not, then you will need to buy 1/8 yard of fabric of each pattern), a pen, lots of buttons (form medium to large), a small circle from Super Sized Circles Shape Templates, scissors, embroidery needle and embroidery floss and a pillow. To make the yo-yo, cut 12″ of embroidery floss. Thread one end of your floss onto your needle and make sure to leave a 3″ tail. On the other end you will tie 3 knots. Hold the piece of fabric on your other hand, upside down. Insert the needle into the fabric, leaving some space at the edges. Now bring the needle back, through the fabric. Continue this process until you go around and your yo-yo is stitched together. When the circle is complete, place a button in the middle of the yo-yo and sew it there carefully. Now you need to repeat this step several times so you get the number of yo-yo’s necessary to cover your pillow. When you have all the yo-yo’s, just stitch them onto the pillow and that is all.
It is a great tutorial, and although you need a lot of patience to make this project, it is worth the work as at the end you will get a great and unique piece of decoration.


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4 Responses to “Colorful Yo-Yo Pillow”

  1. alena says:

    luv it………

  2. Joette Fluetsch says:

    Thank you, this can be the worst thing I’ve read

  3. alka says:

    Very colorful

  4. Cindy says:

    Do you sell the yo yo’s

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