Spending time in nature is inherent to human nature. We wish to relax surrounded by trees, water and fresh air. But whenever you go, by yourself or with friends, in the middle of nature, you would want to bring some of the benefits of living in civilization. If not the comfort of electricity, than at least a decent meal! The way to achieve the latter is via this awesome campfire cook set. It’s actually a few metal pieces and utensils, but they will make a clear distinction between something cooked over fire and a delicious rustic meal in the wild. Check it out in more detail and decide for yourself if you too want to improve your camping experience with a clever set like this one… Pin it!!!
Portable Dutch Oven and Grill Cook Set
More ideas:
- Cooking Fry Bread, Navajo Traditions
- Living Off Grid For 30 years: A Story Of Happiness Through Isolation
- Cozy Kamp-Rite Double Tent Cot
Love it
Being a re-enactor of American history I can relate to this. I have baked breads, cinnamon rolls and pies in the camp fire. Cooking for 30 people…..no problem. In the evening after all the work is done tie to pop popcorn. Nothing tastes as good as home made jam, bread, and butter at camp. To me this is play time
Why aren’t you on the Food Network or You Tube? I would so watch you show!
Because he is off the grid.
so not going to give a link — good job
Is it that hard to remember sportsmansguide.com thats listed in the video?
i would very much like to purchase the DIY campfire cook set .. could you please let me know how i can do this?
thank you,
Go to a local metal fabrication shop. They can probably fabricate one for you much cheaper than buying from a distributor.
So you believe that a custom-made set, created by a skilled artisan, will be much cheaper than a mass-produced set sold by a distributor? Do you know any metal fabricators, and are you aware of the effort and time invested in learning their craft?
it’s $65….not gonna get it made for that…
Look on the video. The company is called Guide Gear Campfire set. Google that and places come up that sell it. I had one made by a blacksmith and it is custom and exactly what I want but was much more than this set on line. I wondered about this set being so cheap and wonder if they are using pipes which would be more light weight than mine which is solid steel. I do really like their rotisserie though and am going to order it and have my blacksmith modify my set to add it.
My husband “Bubba” works for Tom Elliott and makes the campfire cooking and cooking utencils. Actually, he makes all the iron parts for the wagons as well. Bubba is a fabricator
Check out the website
Would like one of those how much? Boy scout troop would love it
Send me more info
From the video we are told this is a Guide Gear campfire setup. I did locate it online with the hooks in addition to the rotisserie. However the swing grill available is different from the above picture. The one in the above photo seems to be more heavy duty than the Guide Gear one. There also appears to be only one size in the guide gear line. I’d really like to purchase the 2 swing arm grills in the above image and would like to know what brand they are.
Go to a local metal fabricating shop. They can fabricate exactly what you want and probably much cheaper.
Now I understand why it’s so difficult to get people to understand the costs of skilled work…. I imagine you also think it’s cheaper to buy a bespoke suit, than one off the rack? Or, say, hand-made Italian loafers, cheaper than boots from Walmart?
Why don’t you educate yourself? Or maybe think a little?
Not Fabricated, go to a blacksmith , but I’ll guarantee to your gonna pay a lot more for custom stuff than you will for this set. I’ve made them myself , their is a lot of work that goes into a set like this !
…And who exactly is going to carry this into, “the wilderness”, on their backs?
Make it a project for your scouts to make themselves
it reminds of the old cowboy lifestyle living in a silent field..I will build this one alike, but for grilling stuff, since it is quite tall from the ground for grilling..I suggest to have a grill made of concrete separately or bought one that can be assemble easily. You may go to shorisuperstore.com, they had a lot of stuff to buy in a low price, plus durable and lower price
The cook set in the video isn’t the same one that’s pictured. I would like to purchase one like the one shown. Where can I go to find one like the one shown. Or where can I get individual parts to make one like it. Help would be greatly appreciated . I’m a newbie to these kinds of grills. Have been looking for years to find them. I cook extensively over the campfire but haven’t had the right grills or cook sets. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.