DIY Crochet Cabbage Patch


Children have undeniably the cutest hairstyles out there. But when you combine an adorable kid with an even cuter handmade hat, you hit the jackpot! Try to make this cabbage patch croquet hat, decorated with pig tails and bright pink removable bows. Make sure you have these materials and follow the instructions:

• yarn;
• 6mm crochet hook;
• some ribbon;
• a pair of scissors;
• a bunch of safety pins;

First, fashion a basic beanie as the base for the cabbage patch croquet hat. Then, make the bangs, by using a loop stitch for three rows on the beanie’s bottom. Now the hat is basically finished. Move on to the pigtails. Cut 16”-long pieces of yarn. You will need 9 pieces for each braid. Half-fold the pieces and make a knot in the center. Divide the yarn into threes. Start the braiding process, using a small piece of yarn in order to tie off the bottom of the braid. Do the same for each of the braids. Finish by stitching them to the beanie. Make sure they are positioned evenly. After this, add a ribbon bow atop each of the pigtails. Done!

Finished product : Amanda Lillie, The Lillie Pad

DIY free pattern : Crochet Cabbage Patch Doll Inspired Hat

20 Responses to “DIY Crochet Cabbage Patch”

  1. Elli says:

    I hope the child takes revenge when he is grown up

  2. Cyndi says:

    seriously too cute

  3. Carolyn says:

    TOO CUTE !!!!

  4. Sandy t says:

    They all take revenge, that’s why we do it when they’re little!

  5. Debbie C says:

    perfect for those children with cancer who have lost their hair. I think it’s adorable!!

  6. sharon s says:

    How do i get the pattern ???????needed asap.thanks

  7. Marty Shaffer says:

    Do you have a pattern for a crochet beanie? I would love to have it. Thank you. This little hat is precious!!

    • Tculley says:

      They’re actually really easy to do.

      Also, for anyone who knits. Just make a simple hat, then stitch the bangs on with a needle (it looks good with straight bangs as well as the curled) and make the pig tails like two huge pom-poms.

  8. Linda Hamilakis says:

    This hat is sooo cute!!! I just had to try it. I have a question what yarn did you use as your braids are do thick and make this a CABBAGE PATCH hat. I use a worsted weight yarn, doubled the number of strains of yarn but it still looks like a hat with braids.

  9. Anna says:

    Yeah Linda^ it appears there’s much more than 9 strands of worsted yarn in those braids. I’m going to try and figure it out and will post what I do with clear instructions on my blog. It MIT take a few days.

  10. ЕленаМД says:

    I can help with the scheme, how to knit cap hats.

  11. ЕленаМД says:

    I can help with the scheme, how to knit cap hats.

  12. mary says:

    How do I get the cabbage patch hat patteren?
    I would love to make this for my new grandbaby.

  13. Jackie says:


    I’m wondering if you make your loop stitch go all the way around the beanie or just in the front?

  14. Pat. Shelnutt says:

    I can’t get the pattern to download, please email instructions, thanks, a great grandmother who still crochets, pat. Tax lady 1040@

  15. Theresa says:

    Can you send me the pattern

  16. Heather says:

    please email me the pattern thanks so much!

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