Having a baby means joy and lots of happy moments, but you also need to think about financial matters. As toddlers need lots of things, you should prepare yourself for big investments once your baby is born. One of the most important things you need to think about are baby cribs and beds. These can be a bit expensive and usually your baby will outgrow them fast, so you should think about cheaper solutions. One of them is to make the bed yourself, by building it in your own home. Luckily pallets were invented and they make our lives and creative projects, much easier and more beautiful. So to make a bed for your toddler, use pallets as you will only need 4-5 of them and some tools. Measure the pallets, cut them to size and assemble the pieces in order to get a simple, but nice bed. Just place a comfy mattress on bed, some colorful pillows or bed linen and your baby’s bed is done. For detailed information about how to build the bed, look at the instructions below.
Toddler Pallet Bed – Instructions by Lori Danelle
- Amazing Train Crib
- Multifunctional Crib Furniture Concept: 5 in 1 bundle
- Cozy Baby Crib with Moon Shape
Because every young child should have a moldy bed full of splinters & nails sticking out. Have you ever actually handled a palette?
Looking at the designer’s original page, she is incredibly naive regarding where pallets have been and somehow knowing their history. The pallets in the photos have been around the block, and are almost guaranteed to be chemically treated so they don’t harbor invasive organisms as they travel from state to state, country to country, or continent to continent.
Not saying that they will harm her children, but it’s not something I would do (she doesn’t even mention any of the dangers on her website, but tells you to sand them without letting you know that the dust you’re making could get into your lungs). To me, these don’t look chic or trendy, they just look gross. I find the original plan site to be terribly irresponsible with regards to safety and potential hazards.
In reply to the above two comments; not all pallets are made from treated wood or have been in contact with harmful materials. Many are made for a single use to transport various items. True there can be nails & splinters to deal with, but extra care in sanding and nail removal will make them safe for a toddler. They are a low cost option and make fabulous furniture and decorative items for the home. Many are made from poplar and oak wood as well as pine and other wood types. Finished properly the wood is very safe. Yes take care in choosing your pallets and in the building of your projects. There is plenty information on the net about pallets. Read and know what the numbers mean that are stamped on them. All pallets are not created equal, but they can provide a cost efficient way to inexpensive furniture and decorating needs as well as the primitive style many of us prefer when chosen and handled correctly. So to each is allowed their own opinion and I believe the toddler bed to be an economical choice when common sense and proper handling is followed by the builder.