Drill Your Own Well


A water well to have for your own use is quite a smart investment. And making it by your own is the best way you can save some money in the long term (you will have water at your disposal any time with no costs) as well as during the DIY process in comparison to hiring somebody else to do it for you. That’s why this website will teach you how to drill your own well. Actually, the following tutorial will show you what has to be done in order to make a drill head which is used in the process of obtaining the well. By using PVC pipes, measures the depths, cutting and assembling, you will quickly obtain what you want. Grab a piece of 2″ PVC 3.5 inches long and 4 pieces of 3/4 inch PVC each 1.5-2 inches long. Watch the video and follow the instructions provided in it. Also check out the video about how to drill the well. Good luck on all your work!

One Response to “Drill Your Own Well”

  1. Michael says:

    For those of us with traditional drilled wells who like to be prepared, have you thought of how you will get water from your well in a crisis or without power? We have an Emergency Well Tube to ensure access to our well water without having to pull the pump, pipes and wiring. Inexpensive backup just in case. Check it out at emergencywelltube.com

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