Experts Say People Over 40 Should Only Work 3 Days a Week


According to a study from 2016, people over 40 should only be working 3 days a week. This sounds quite promising, as with age we tend to get tired more quickly and need to focus more on our health. So, working less should also mean that the level of stress will be reduced which can only benefit the overall well-being of anyone.

The study concluded that people over 40 do much better at their jobs when they work 25 hours as they don’t lose focus. The study was conducted by the University of Melbourne and focused on researching cognition and how people over 40 react to certain things when working full-time.


They observed out that a decline in cognition appears when working more than 25 hours a week, which also means that productivity levels decrease. This makes a lot of sense, as the end of the week approaches our brain and body get more and more tired and we tend to recuperate on weekends. Hopefully, governments will start focusing on these types of researches as a 3 days work week could mean more productivity for certain employees, but also a healthier lifestyle.

Well, that’s the part the study didn’t explore.

What do you think about this study?

12 Responses to “Experts Say People Over 40 Should Only Work 3 Days a Week”

  1. Dagny Brown says:

    How can we Afford it to work 3 days a week?

  2. Dagny Brown says:

    How can I afford a to only work 3 days?

  3. MG says:

    How would we pay/ get health insurance?

  4. Pepper says:

    I agree,

  5. Lawrence Corbett says:

    I work only two days a week as a custodian , and I have many chores to perform at home as well , I’m always exhausted by the end of the afternoon

  6. Rich says:

    Personally, I am almost 70 yrs.. I work seasonally for a tree farm. I sleep for 4 hrs. only, work for 8 hrs. with breaks.
    I do not folliw the reason for 3 days only. I work for 5 days and drive a farm tractor. I work by myself. No stress. Who ever thought up this idea, obviously works indoors.

  7. Deborah Watson says:

    Did this study actually research how ‘over 40’s” are supposed to manage on the reduced wages a ‘three day week’ would offer ? I’m 56, work full time and don’t envisage being able to ‘downsize’ any time soon. I would imagine most people would reduce their working week if they were financially able to, few of us work for fun.

  8. John says:

    I’m 63, 2 months post surgery for brain tumor. Back to work less than 48 hours after my last radiation session. working 5 days a week, 4-5 hours/day, working back up to full time.
    Keeps my mind active, and I have a lifetime of skills to try and pass on to the apprentices.
    My father worked full time, self employed nearly into his 80’s.
    So I’d look at that study on a case by case basis.

  9. Skip says:

    Lots of people in the Western capitalist countries cannot image a life without work…. as that is what they have been taught to think life is all about. And the way capitalism works means you have to work as much as possible to maintain your life.

    Always remember the working class had to be created.

    The longer a person works each day means the capitalist makes more profit from them….

  10. Mary Bowrn says:

    You work full time at a good job after college, or training of some sort, from age 22-40, (18 years), and buy a house that is a duplex, or two family . (Get a 15 year mortgage and rent the other unit out to help pay off your mortgage.) Interest rates are low now. Once your home is paid off ,that reduces your monthly expenses by alot. Continue to use the extra rent money as monthly income when you switch to three days a week of work. In the summer you’ll have time to grow a garden to lower food costs.

  11. Timoteo says:

    Any time you work an 8 hour shift or more, you are sacrificing either personal time or sleep time.
    Getting ready for work and getting to work, are cutting into one of those areas, as there are only 3 8 hour sections.
    Most people get up at least an hour before they have to leave for work, and then have to drive at least an hour ir do to get there, and then back home too.
    Most jobs also do not include lunch time into their shifts. So if you are getting a full 8 hours of sleep, then it is your personal time that is cut quite short.

  12. Timoteo says:

    Any time you work an 8 hour shift or more, you are sacrificing either personal time or sleep time.
    Getting ready for work and getting to work, are cutting into one of those areas, as there are only 3 8 hour sections.
    Most people get up at least an hour before they have to leave for work, and then have to drive at least an hour or so to get there, and then back home too.
    Most jobs also do not include lunch time into their shifts. So if you are getting a full 8 hours of sleep, then it is your personal time that is cut quite short.

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