Firestone Bicycle With Sidecar


For all you vintage and bike lovers, here comes the most perfect item for a great summer: a vintage bike, that has a sidecar. It is an old school firestone bicycle and was custom made for those who would like to go on a ride and bring a friend or their pet to. The beautifully colored bike has a nice finishing and looks like it has been taken out from a magazine from the 50’s. If you want a great quality bike which doesn’t go unnoticed, this is one of the best choices on the market. The sidecar has a comfortable seat and enough leg space in order to make your “guests” feel comfortable. You could ride such a bike even when going shopping or to the market and store your bags and groceries in the sidecar. For more details, check out the image gallery and tell us what you think about this unique retro bike.








via flickr

85 Responses to “Firestone Bicycle With Sidecar”

  1. denise says:

    Are these for sale and cost and location please

    • john barron says:

      Im looking at making one of these to add to my motorscooter sidecar line, except i am looking at using a pedal assist elect. bicycle to help with the extra wt. take a look at my web site . keltic sidecars i dont have pricing as i have not even started testing a prototype yet but this is going to be my next project. thanks feel free to call me if i can answer any further questions. john barron 727 410 1422

      • Dan says:

        Hi John: I wouldn’t mind getting my hands on a side car like this either, I noticed you sad electric assist ,problem with hat is recharging unless you install a bike generator , my thoughts at the 80cc motorized kits They claim any where from 85mpg to 150 mpg, I have the motor on my huffy and it goes ,between 40- 50 mph, it is still in the break in mode so I try to keep it below 30-35, I wish the Elio trike wasn’t so expensive , I would buy one in a heart beat .

      • Yvonne Christain says:

        Where is your website?

  2. denise says:

    Information please

  3. Mary Anne Moore says:

    Love this bike with side car. Just want one really bad

  4. drkimberlin@msn says:

    This is so awesome! As a Nannie this would be great fun!

  5. Marea Ludwig says:

    Where can I buy this bike

  6. Brent says:

    How do I get one !! Love it for my dog

  7. Kristi Sundstrom says:

    How and where can I get one of these bikes?

  8. Sandi says:

    I love this!! Is it for sale???

  9. Judy says:

    Absolutely love it. Would be great to take grandchildren for a ride

  10. Jean says:

    I am in love and totally want one!

  11. Tim Strimple says:

    Very well done. The only thing missing is a pedal setup for the passenger. That way they could at least help pull their own weight.

  12. Jennifer says:

    I love it. My son has juvenile huntingtons disease and he loved to ride his bike on the bike trail. I need one of these. He would love riding in the sidecar with me. Are these on the market and how much.

  13. Joseph says:

    How do I get one!?!?!? Sign me up!!!!

  14. Lizzie George says:

    How much? and where can this be purchased from please?

  15. Aaron Ure says:

    We are setting up a group that takes trikes out to the elderly and others in day service to give them back a sense of achievement and freedom. I work as a volunteer at the velodrome running trike groups twice a week. This amazing machine would mean a lot of our elder folk who can no longer ride, could still have the breeze flowing In their hair. Sooo cool and I wish it were mine. Even the colour rocks.

  16. James S says:

    This would be great on the beach and around town that will allow bikes like this. I have grand kids who would like to ride alongside, and not in the back where they could not see in front of them.

  17. Jennifer says:

    Love, love, love it! As the mom of a child with some special needs the amazing and imaginative bicycles that are being crafter are so helpful in keeping all members of the family involved and healthy! Keep creating!

  18. Bob says:

    Are these for sale? I have a disabled grandson that this would work great for

  19. Alex says:

    Where. Do. I. Get. This?

  20. jennifer says:

    Love this bike! Where can i find something like this to purchase?

  21. Jill says:

    How much and where can I get one???

  22. Liz says:

    What a beauty! It’s it for sale?

  23. Ruth says:

    Please post info on where and how i can buy win?

  24. Tammy Koole says:

    This is great, are they for sale?
    I live 4 klm out of town & im always walking in with my 4 yr old in a stroller & he woukd love this. Also can the bike be a girls bike. I would so buy one in an instant.

  25. E Paul Broussard says:

    Amazing and so unique. Just what I need to get out and bring grandkids with me.

  26. Ruby Respurceress says:

    I want one too; is there a modern version?

  27. Holly says:

    I really need to get around and get things I need this would help me alot.I have bad legs so I can pedal.

  28. Valarie says:

    Would love to have more info on a bike like this. Great to have a side cart.

  29. laura says:

    Can you please tell me where do I order this and how much

  30. Maxine says:

    Are you selling these?

  31. Johnny says:

    How do we order this?

    • Tina says:

      I would love this bike! My dog is disabled & uses a wheelchair. We could ride together with this side car.
      What is the cost & how do I get one?

  32. Chris says:

    Is this bike still for sale. Thank you.

  33. Justin says:

    Please contact me if you are selling e making any more of these .

  34. Carolyn Pierson says:

    I want one so very bad how can I get one and how much is it

  35. Charlene says:

    Make one without bar in middle please!!!

  36. Charlene says:

    Make one without bar in middle please!!! Also, make side seat for 2 kids

  37. Michael says:

    I want one for me and my 18 month old grandson!

  38. Joni Brensinger says:

    This bike with the sidecar is soo cool, do you sell them? If yoou do how much with or without a motor?

  39. Dee says:

    This type of bike/sidecar should be made for today’s bikes!
    I love it!

  40. Peter McCasker says:

    I love this retro classics making a comeback. Had a Melvern star and a “Chopper” pushy as a kid. Would really appreciate plans to build or your price to sell??

  41. Teresa says:

    Been looking for something like this.

  42. Melody Macias says:

    Yes, please make available on Facebook when you have some available for purchase. I would definitely be interested

  43. Marguerite says:

    I’m interested in getting something like this so I can take my adult daughter with disabilities out and about! Please send details!

  44. Dalea Cummings says:

    I would love to own the bike and sidecar. Where do you get them from?

  45. Rolan collins says:

    I need 2 if someone knows how I can buy them

  46. Jan hillman says:

    Price please

  47. Denise Winston says:

    I’m interested…. just need to know how they are and what the deposit is…thank you.

  48. Bill says:

    How do you push the pedal on the side car side exactly? The pictures don’t seem to show enough offset between the car and the pedal drive?

  49. Phil says:

    I actually found this bike back east in an antique store. The owner wanted 4500 for it.

  50. Sandra Berry-Ashpole says:

    Please, if you are going to put up a post like this, at least respond to the questions asked regarding the price etc. It is very frustrating not to know if you can buy one or not.

  51. Ron says:

    What would total price be shipped to Mi 48881

  52. tommy says:

    Want one !! Where can I get one …

  53. Steve says:

    I want one!

  54. Laura Raynor says:

    I think this is fabulous!

  55. Kim Lowrie says:

    I would love 2 for my bike rental business.

  56. Michael Hernandez says:

    Where / how do I get one of these!? Cost too?

  57. Anita Jackson says:

    Take my money
    When are these available
    W assistance

  58. Barbara says:

    I would love one of these.

  59. M. M. Akers says:

    Can you purchase one? If so where?

  60. Dan says:

    I, too, want one and would prefer an electric pedal-assist version to help with the extra weight (if that’s an option). Post or direct message if/ how folks can get one ?

  61. Martha Richardson says:

    I need this for myself and my autistic son!! He could even learn to ride this and take me for a ride!

  62. Tammy says:

    How much$$$? Oh my goodness, where can I get one?

  63. DeeDee Lazik says:

    This bike would be so perfect for my son who has Down Syndrome. He cannot ride a two wheeler but he could go for a ride with me in the side car and he could enjoy a ride on a bike finally! At age 35! Love this bike!!

  64. Adair Henderson says:

    where can we get one?

  65. Oscar Villarreal says:

    How can I get this bike

  66. terry repas says:

    Hello there
    I would love to get this for my son and his wife they are a young couple and love vintage things . I showed him these pictures and hes loving this Let me know if I can order one of these please.
    Thank you

  67. Donna Hardy says:

    Where can I get one

  68. Angela Gerling says:

    I want one!!! How much and where can I Get one?

  69. Erin Sallach says:

    John: I’m very interested in seeing what your doing! I have a trike, an older one. Says Malibu Sun on it?? My dog on back is heavy for me. I would just like to see what some possible options are!! Thanks!

  70. Rhoda says:

    So sweet and fashionable! Exactly what i want to rode around in with my kids next to me vs behind me.
    How much $$ and where can I purchase one of these beauties?!

  71. Valerie Roberts says:

    Hi…Is there a place in Canada that makes & sells these kinds of bikes.

  72. Betty Austin says:

    I just like to know what the prices on this

  73. Eddie sena says:

    Vintage collector would like to have one for my personal show room lol

  74. Marynell Wright says:

    Very interested in pricing and availability.

  75. Denise Kumler says:

    I would love to get a hold of a sidecar my daughter is 26 years old we have a tandem but she cannot pedal or will not pedal. But of course I would need one to hold at least 200 lb. Are sidecars available for purchase

  76. Kenneth Baker says:

    Give me a call 931 300 3053 I would like to purchase one as soon as possible thank you very much

  77. Carol says:

    How much does the bike cost and where could I get one

  78. Carol Webre says:

    How much does the bike cost and where could I get one

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