Circuses all over the world have started to gradually reduce animal acts in their shows, some countries even banning animals in the circus. This is a huge step in the history of animal rights and one that should be encouraged in every part of the world.
Some circus-enthusiasts argued that this will reduce the circus-experience and its popularity, but who says that there aren’t cruelty-free alternatives?
Circus Roncalli, is a prestigious institution that has been in the business for more than 40 years. They did something unexpected and amazing when they decided to substitute live animal acts in their shows with animal holograms.
Their show became even more spectacular this way, and their bold move was highly appreciated by the public. They managed to transform their shows, thanks to 3D holographic technology using projectors in a 105 feet wide and 16 feet deep arena.
The creation of this new and fascinating show was possible thanks to a partnership between Circus Roncalli, Bluebox, and Optoma who helped out with the laters technology and installed 11 ZU850 laser projectors around the arena.
The immersive 360-degree experience is a groundbreaking one for the circus industry and should be a must-visit if you want to enjoy a cruelty-free magic show with lots of acrobatics.
Entertaining the crowds since 1976, Circus Roncalli has done something unimaginable – they have swapped out horses, lions and elephants for holograms. And the show remains spectacular.