How to Grow a Potted Pineapple


Here is a creative way to have and to grow some tropical fruits at home. You just need to follow the below steps and your guests and friends will be surely impressed.

First, use a sharp knife to take off the top of the pineapple. Be sure to include a piece of the shell in your cut.
Second, place the `crown` in a glass of water. Keep it for a period of 3 days in a lighten area.
Third, when you see little roots coming out your glass-pineapple, plant the whole thing in a big jar. Water twice a week at most.
After 2 years your plant will be ready to be harvested. Try not to overreact with irrigation: the pineapple plant can be watered twice a week right in the middle of the crown, as long as it is inside your house.


    • Growing your own, pulling it when vine ripen, is so much sweeter, and taste different. Just like picking a vine ripe tomoato versus one picked green and let ripen off vine.

    • My aunt grew several. the 3rd year they put out fruit. I am growing my 1st one this year hopefully ib a couple of years i will have a plant. are yu sure yours is in a big enough container.

  • Shelley on said:

    We have been growing one for 3 years in TN. We move it outside every summer and inside every fall. It is just now bearing fruit. It is so neat! We can’t wait to eat it. It looks like it will be ready in the next couple of months. Right now, it is about the size of a softball. The children really enjoyed watching the fruit come up out of the middle of the plant. 🙂

  • I have over 30 pineapple plants growning in pots at my house and I have fresh pineapple all the time, some grow faster than others, I have a few that I had fruit on in a year others I have waited on for 5 years. lots of fun to grow.

  • Did this years ago. people need to know the leaves are like saw blade and will cut, so best to keep out of the reach of small children. Second: read but did not do this. by placing a large apple slice in the pot with your pineapple and placining a plastic bag over the entire plant, somthing about the gasses released by the rotting apple will encourage the pineapple plant to reproduce.
    I would also transplant my pineapple plant to my veggie garden in the summer and bring it back in before frost.. plant finally got to big and i was cutting myself so i ended up letting the frost get it.

  • Our pineapple has been in a pot for almost three (3) years, and has yet to grown any pineapple. The leaves are very sharp and brilliant green but has NOT flourished us with any fruit!

  • Angela on said:

    Tenho dois, um está ha um ano plantado e está com as folhas lindas e bem verdes…o outro vou planta-lo, esta em um copo com água para criar raízes.Estou aguardando o que está no vaso…ainda não vi nada mudar… mas vou esperar.

  • A pineapple costs 2,50 at our local grocery store. It seems like a wasted effort growing one at home for 2 years. This is time and effort better spent on growing higher-value plants like different herbs.

  • Also in the pictures the smaller leaves on the bottom should be pulled off as well. I’ve done it just as in the pictures but if you pull off enough to have about 1/2-3/4 in (the closer to 3/4 is better) above the bottom cut I’ve found they grow about 98% of the time. Leaving such a small area exposed, well needless to say one of about 75 actually started to send out roots. Just from personal experience.

  • Cheryl on said:

    They have a great smell and turn a nice bright yellow. And they are work the time to grow. If you harvest the pineapple let the plant grow and it will produce more if you don’t pull up the plant just cut it off from the rest of the plant. we have one that is producing three at one time.

  • sherry ellis on said:

    Please tell me what to watch for on my plant. Its been growing about two years. It looks like it may be getting taller and the new leaves are very jagged near the tips. I live in texas, so i bring it in during winter. In summer, it plives on the porch and gets morning sun. Beautiful plant. Any advice or helpful tips would be appreac

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