How To Build a Backyard Pond

We know that a backyard pond with running water, floating plants and darting fish can make a bland space breathtaking. In the following we show you how to build your own pond. Instructions come from TotalPond team, a brand with over 50 years experience. Vivid flowers, well-manicured grass, and stone pathways are great additions to any backyard. But to truly boost the status of a yard, few features make a bigger splash than a water feature. Water features create a centerpiece, an oasis of soothing sounds. Some may shy away from building one, thinking it too difficult to do themselves and too expensive to hire a professional. But creating a water feature doesn’t have to be difficult, especially if you prepare properly and use supplies engineered to make the job manageable.



TotalPond show us in a video series how to build a backyard pond and waterfall. Follow the link below and let the TotalPond to teach you how to build a pond step by step…

Large Waterfall

by TotalPond

1 Comment

  • Elixeo Flores on said:

    Thank you for posting this. Very inspiring. Just one question. Everything I read about pond liners is that they will need to be replaced around every two years for the thinner ones and around five years for the thicker ones. Your particular design looks like it would be very difficult to replace the liner because of the beautiful rock work you did.

    My question is, is this correct information? Well you end up having to tear that down at some point to replace the liner? I am hoping that the answer is no.

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