How to Build a Natural Swimming Pond | Home Design, Garden & Architecture Blog Magazine - Page 2

How to Build a Natural Swimming Pond












More photos are provided by Von Bubenberg on imgur

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  • Chelle on said:

    I checked out the images on imgur but didn’t see an actual tutorial other than a few extra captions. Do you have any written instructions? Especially about the filtration system? Also, what maintenance/cleaning is required?

    • Viktoria on said:

      Laws for pools and fencing vary by state and city. You’d have to check your own city ordinances, or state law.

  • You have to be a bit careful where you have a natural pool. We live in the country and were pretty much set to go ahead with one until it was brought to our attention that leeches are a problem.

    • Paul on said:

      seriously…no, unless you’re in a freak city…why would you fence around a pool when you have a fence around your yard? Fences aren’t required for property borders, nor for pools. A fence on your property is a good idea, but isn’t a legal mandate.

      • Dawn on said:

        That will vary by state and local statute. In New York State you HAVE to have a fence around the pool with a locking gate. The construction of the fence and the pool depths it is required for can vary from county to county so check with the local building inspectors.

  • I want to ask. What did you use for the base of your swimmimg pond? Were you put concrete for the base? I can see that you are using tiles for the base. How you attached it together (not using cement?) And how you put the bricks together , you are not using any cement as well?

  • deane on said:

    They dont use concrete but its up with you if you prefer to use concrete.. watch in youtube.. there’s a lot how natural swimming pool is build

  • Rachel on said:

    I live in Florida by law if u live in a naborhood you are required to have a fence if have pool Caz if small kids around that’s why but it looks nice but now have no back yard I’d do this if I had a big yard

  • saveryavery on said:

    Those commenting it’s not safe without a fence – what are you talking about? It’s a swimming pool – who puts a fence around a swimming poll in their own back yard?

    • tattooed mama on said:

      Where I live it is required by law to have a fence surrounding the swimming pool and a locking gate. It is illegal to have a door from your home opening onto a pool deck as well. This is to prevent children from drowning.

    • Amber on said:

      In many countries it’s required by law. It’s to stop young children from drowning (as shocking as that may sound to you).

    • Debbie on said:

      Yes in Fl. we need a fence, we had to put a 4 ft. chain link in case a child wondered in from another yard. It is required. Maybe if you have a pool cage it would be ok.

  • terryjbabe on said:

    Cause some kid went into so.One yard climbed in their po and drowned. So now a lot of states,cities,counties require a fence to b put up around a pool that is more than 2 feet deep to prevent kids that belong their to not b able to drown in your pool.. The fence around his property does the trick..

  • kaity on said:

    Where I come from in ontario by law you need a high enough fence around your pool for safety features in case u go away and someone gets in it and drowns (I know right would have to be someone real dumb) but in most cases for the safety of small children!

  • Jeanie on said:

    Ok, the photos are pretty self explanatory, including the large bins for filtration, but I already have a pool. How would that work?

  • It’s appealing as shown but where we live this would become a fouled mess since ducks and geese would take it over immediately.

  • Vishampi on said:

    There’s no fence, because it’s done in Switzerland, which like most world countries doesn’t require a fence around a pool (…why? You fenced the property, that’s enough.). Clicking on the link provided is a clue enough.

  • Jillaine on said:

    Really Mark Craig & Master Baiter Really❓??
    You both immature stupid boys who feel the need to call someone a “C” word on a forum like this.
    Someone needs to clean out your mouths with a bar soap & you apparently need to attend an Etiquette Class!!! IDIOTS!

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