If you like gardening so much, why won’t you marry it? Besides the funny side of this question, let’s delve a little into the details of gardening, especially urban gardening! This particular type is preferred by a lot of people in cities because it gives you the possibility to grow a wide variety of vegetables and leafy greens in a rather restricted space. The next DIY project features a useful salad table. Every urban farmer that respects him or herself must have one of these! Besides it’s so simple to make and the fact most greens grow in about a month, the project doesn’t even require a lot of materials. You will need some 2by4s or any untreated construction lumber, hardware cloth or window screen material, newspaper and soil. In the project featured here, the frame is 58″ long by 33″ wide. The built is actually a frame of wood usually no deeper than about 3 1/2″ and the material is for the bottom of the frame which is lined with newspaper and filled with soil for your plants. Read all about all the steps and good luck on your work!
Step 1: Build a framework
Step 2: Add a wire mesh bottom and Fill with Soil
Step 3: What Can I Grow? – everything from sweet Basil to radishes
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