Peeling potatoes can be a boring process. There are all sorts of utensils that were created to help us peel fruits and vegetables faster and easier, but it can still be a very dull activity. Plus, when using a peeler or a knife there is also the risk of cutting yourself. Young potatoes are a whole another story, as the skin of the potato is rich in vitamins and tastes great when fried a bit. So, when it comes to young potatoes, rubbing only a part of the skin off can be quite annoying. Here a great trick you can apply when it comes to peeling young potatoes. You will need a bucket, an unused toilet brush attached to an electric drill and water. Watch the video bellow..
Very cool, but the description or the video doesn’t say what is used on the end of the drill so I can’t reproduce it.
I just found out it is a cheap toilet bowl brush!!!! New I hope lol..
It looks like a clean toiletbrush
Me too, need more information here!
Hey, Stephen.
To me it sure looks like a toilet brush. Which is why I find this “trick” to be quite nasty!
it plainly say’s to use a new one!
Uh oh.. I was supposed to use a new one? I just used the one that’s been sitting in my washroom…
It’s a toilet brush. I heard about this video on the radio this morning. I’ll have to try this. Peeling 30 pounds of potatoes for a church supper is not my idea of fun!
It is written in the description… UNUSED TOILET BRUSH…
ummm it says “unused toilet brush” in the description of the video…
So once you do this once you can’t use the brush for a second batch?
lol jk
its say there ” You will need a bucket, an unused toilet brush attached to an electric drill and water.
It said unused toilet brush!
yes he does say it, an unused toilet brush.
To Stephen: yes it does. “You will need a bucket, an unused toilet brush attached to an electric drill and water.” – Just before the last sentence.
But HOW do you attach the new toilet bowl brush TO the electric drill? Wouldn’t the brush need to have a metal post or rod to fit inside the drill, as a drill bit would? … Any help out there?
If you get one with a wooden handle (and perhaps bamboo bristles?) you could drill a hole in the end of the handle and hook it up that way, maybe?
That’s what I want to know. Getting the brush to fit and stay on the drill is the actual trick. They didn’t mention how to do that.
Description says, “You will need a bucket, an unused toilet brush attached to an electric drill and water.”
You’ll probably have to remove the handle of the brush to make it fit the drill. This will also distinguish it from your other brushes.
thats what I want to know too. what was on the end of the drill?????
Great idea, works good ……………but what a waste of water!!!!!!!!!!!
You must live in California
I would like to hear some instructions, what he used at the end of the drill, and how he attached it. It looks like a toilet brush, but how in the world did he put it all together?
It looks like the end of a toilet brush !! A clean one I hope
They are using a toilet brush, brand new
Its already peeled. Watch the video again guys, the dirt is just covering the potatoes.
it works on “young” potatoes, but try it on “old” potatoes… I think it wouldn`t work!
Such a waste of water!Senseless!
Can you people read?
Probley those new potatoes from garden. their peelings always fall off with a little or alot of water. BET THAT WOULDNT WORK ON THE POTATOES THAT SIT IN THE TRUCKS OR STORES FOR AWHILE !!! cant fool me. lol,lol
This is why we can’t have nice things. Learn to read.
I cant believe how many stupid illiterate fucktards there are commenting here. Learn to read you cock juggling thundercunts.
So, rather than the enjoyment of learning of something new, you just resort to name calling with gutter language, and you still know nothing?
What was on the end of the drill?
Such a waste of water. How did he use the drill?
hm, am lazy to go to the shop around the corner so im gonna use my used brush
The brush and water remove lots of starch from the potatoes. This service was only provided for by groceries (in the 60’s) as long as they could use the public drainage for evacuating the starch-rich water. Once that caused trouble in the public drainage pipes, the ‘service’ became illegal
I hope my English was correct enough to transfer the message ?
People it says a unused toilet brush on the end of a drill….lol
So how do you do this, I tried it but I think there needs to be new instruction. Like what is that thing spinning on the end of the thing that turns it?
When I tried this with my store bought Idahos it didn’t work because I think I used a fork on the end of a screwdriver but I just can’t figure this out and I just have a ruined bag of perfectly good golden Idahos
So awesome…. I’m still laughing at this “fork on a screwdriver”…
what a waste of water, putting all that chlorinated tap water on your produce because you’re too lazy to peel a potato…. this is what’s wrong with the world
Why does it have be chlorinated water? Not everyone has city water.
Not everyone has chlorinated water.
what a waste of water…
sorry but calling BS here…where did the skins go? evaporate…the water was pouring into that bucket but barely coming out…the brush would have at least had some skins stuck to it…and why did that look like a large bag going in and then barely enough potatoes to cover bottom of pan?
I used my toilet brush by my toilet and it did the same thing.. Lol
It is a cool idea, but even if the brush is new and clean, it wasn’t meant to be used on food. Also, the bucket doesn’t look to be a food grade bucket. You are using something abrasive in non food grade plastic that is potentially leaving plastic residue on your food. The so called “food grade” plastic is sketchy, I am sure that the plastic in a cleaning bucket and toilet brush is nothing that you would want to prepare food with.
Sounds like a sure way to catch the Ebola.
If people would just use outhouses we wouldn’t need toilet brushes!
Do you know how long it would take for me to find a drill? And IF I could find one, how long it would take for me to figure out how to use it? As for the toilet brush, I could go to the store and buy a new one, but my garden hose has a leak, and so……I could peel a bushel basket of potatoes in an hour or so. So,……….??
What I want to know is who really cares if he said unused toilet brush and if he did or didn’t, that would be his problem and his family who are eating them
The water from boiling should be used , take off at slightly al dente, pour your water in garden or flower bed. No wasting . And those really worried about wasting a 5 gallon bucket of water you better not have a lawn to water and you should be rain barrel harvesting. Otherwise you are just making hypocritical statements
I always make ‘smashed potatoes’ with the skin still on. They’re quick, easy, yummy, and you can put gravy on them like regular mashed potatoes.