How To Split A Bottle


What makes Coca Cola famous, besides its secret ingredients, is the one of a kind bottle that is recognized by anyone around the world. The iconic Coca Cola bottles had many special editions over the years, always coming back to the classic shape that everyone loves. If you have a small collection of Coke bottles at home or simply want to try out a new fun project, you should make a Coke drinking glass. The process is easy, but it may not turn out as you wished for at first. Don’t give up and keep on trying until you’ll get a perfect glass shape. What you’ll have to do is remove the label from the Coke bottle and them apply the thermal shock method to split it. How this method works is explained thoroughly in the link below. When you have split the bottle where you wanted, you should sand the edges so you can use your new glass without cutting yourself. The result will be a very cool bottle with a vintage feel that will remind you of your favorite drink. Since this is an inexpensive project you can create a whole set of glasses.




1. Adjust the bottle cutter for a smaller diameter glass cutting position.  bottle-cutting-tutorial-1

2. Pull the rubber rings about 0,5 in from the score line. That will help you to separate the bottle and avoid the glass cracking. bottle-cutting-tutorial-2








One Response to “How To Split A Bottle”

  1. Team C&C says:

    To see more cool bottle crafts or to order your own C&C Bottle Cutter visit our homepage We have wondferful spring discount for bottle cutting kits 🙂

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