How To Transfer An Image Onto Stone


Photos are one of the most personal and touching gifts you can surprise your loved ones with. Many times a photography can express more than words, so if you are looking for a special gift for someone, pictures can be an awesome idea. In the following video you will learn more about how to transfer an image onto an unusual surface, such as a stone. This is an easy DIY project and is perfect if you want to create a unique gift. You will need: a printed picture, stone (a clean one), varnish, brush, damp fabric and medium transfer. Start by covering the stone with a coat of medium and then do the same on the photo. Place the photo on the stone upside down, so the image can be transferred to its surface. Push gently to remove air pockets. Let the stone dry for 8 hours. With the help of a damp fabric remove the paper from the stone. Once you removed all the paper you will have to apply a coat of varnish on the stone to seal the image. For more details and a visual guidance, make sure you visit the following link where you’ll find this project’s tutorial.




34 Responses to “How To Transfer An Image Onto Stone”

  1. Helen says:

    What.kind of medium did you use?


  2. Lisa says:

    can an inkjet printer be used? colored ink of just black? Thank you

  3. Tracy Anshus says:

    love these art projects

  4. Pam says:

    Click on the word medium and it will take you to the link to the medium they used

  5. LLB says:

    Kind of a waste of time without telling us the medium. Even turned the label away from the camera so we can’t figure it out ourselves.

    • eric says:

      If you click the word medium it’s a link to buy some of the medium. It’s just modg podg. Like the stuff you use to make a puzzle into a picture.

    • pse says:

      Click the highlighted words “medium transfer” and it tells you.

  6. Jennifer Moore says:

    What is the best medium to use? And also can colored pics be used?

  7. Jennifer Moore says:

    What is the best medium to use and can colored pics be used?

  8. Jennifer Moore says:

    What’s the best medium to use and can colored pics be used?

    • Sharie Holmes says:

      Plaid Mod Podge CS12652 2-Ounce Photo Transfer Medium .. found it on the medium transfer link in the

  9. El says:

    where would you find a flat stone like that and can you use a regular stone?? also can spray varnish in a can be used?

    • dan says:

      you can go on ebay and buy slabs. that’s where I sell my slabs of stone and sell on facebook

      Body And Mind Minerials

    • Kathi says:

      I found beautiful flat rocks in Lake Superior!
      But you can buy flat stones anywhere….like Lowes, Home Depot, etc. Bricks work!

  10. READ says:

    People if you take 1 min to read above this video, there are written instructions on the process. Along with the instructions is a web link (the only two words written in blue. Blue normally referring to a link) to an Amazon page with the medium that you keep asking about.

  11. Patty says:

    Plaid brand Mod Podge Photo Transfer Medium

  12. Alison says:

    What kind of photo material can be used? I have many old photos for this project but unsure if it has to be a certain paper.

  13. Pamela says:

    use an acrylic gel medium found at any art store. yes, you can spray varnish when dry.

  14. Rita DeCook says:

    be sure if your picture has words that you print it off in reverse

  15. Orian juarez says:

    Go to a tile store I bet they have damaged tiles that would be great for this project.

  16. Camille says:

    Any gel medium from an art store can be used. There a lot of YouTube videos describing this process. Inkjet prints cannot be used because the ink will smear when you paint the medium on it. Yes you can use color photos as long as it is Laser or Toner printed.

  17. Rhonda says:

    Can you ad the stone to a patio (weather) and the pic stay intact?

  18. Doug says:

    I used to do this in the early 80’s. Its a fun thing to do with shirts. I never thought about doing it onto a stone. Good job. Thanks

  19. rebecca says:

    Looks like they’re using transcryl transfer medium

  20. Connie Durand says:

    Good idea thank you

  21. cassie says:

    you can do the same thing with acrylic or gel medium. You also don’t need the wet cloth. The same can be done with your fingers and spray bottle, or immerse it in water while rubbing to remove the paper. I’ve been doing acrylic transfers for years. you can even build up layers of gel medium and peel the paper off after (i do 6-8 to be safe) and end up with a transparent photo you can attach to anything as it’s flexible. Simply apply a layer of gel medium to the object, and press the transfer you’ve made around the object.

  22. brad says:

    Can u use photos u print off computer? Does it still work with ink jet photos???

  23. bill says:

    can the transfer technique you used for stone also be used on metal?? or is there a different technique used for metals?? thank you

  24. Judy Hunt says:

    Love to lean how to do this

  25. Andrew sloan says:

    Does the original photo get damaged in the process

  26. Pat says:

    No one ever answered the question “can it be an inkjet printer or does it HAVE to be lazer??

  27. Pat Dickey says:

    How would you put photo on shirt?

  28. Jan T. says:

    Can u do this to charcoal rubbings from ancient headstones from cementary? Would love to have one of grandparents!

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