Hunter Finds Lost GoPro Camera Full of Footage Shot by a Curious Bear

Some videographers try to snap the perfect footage their entire lives, and never really manage to capture it. But for this hunter, the perfect video happened by accident, and it might be one of the funniest accidental wildlife films ever made.

It all happened when Dylan Schilt found a lost GoPro in the wild, which was lost by someone on a snowmobile ride.
After founding it, Schilt connected it to a charging station and turned it on, only to find hilarious footage of a bear who was looking right into the camera. The GoPro captured a big black bear, which found the device, managed to turn it on, and film itself while playing with it.

This can truly be named one of the weirdest and most surprising things one can find in a forest and one that Schilt will never forget. You can watch the footage of the bear filming itself with the GoPro and share it with other nature-enthusiasts.
Next time you go hiking be on the lookout, you never know when you’ll find the next best nature footage on a GoPro lying on the ground.

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