Living Willow Outdoor Structure

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Spending time outside in the garden is quite the wonderful opportunity to get closer to Nature. If you’re lucky enough to have a green area for lounging during the mornings or evenings, than the following project will become your favorite quickly. The Living Willow Structure is actually another living room in your yard; a natural and green one! Of course, it will take some time for it to develop to its perfect size. In this regard it’s nothing like a piece of IKEA furniture, so don’t expect anything like that, this will require some patience and work from your part. Check out how Bonnie Gale managed to make this impressive structure and try to make a lovely piece of `outside living room`, perfect for small friendly gatherings and romantic occasions as well.

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Living Willow Structures by Bonnie Gale – Open Gazebos, Bridgehampton, New York



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