20+ Vertical Vegetable Garden Ideas
Vertical gardens can be an alternative to insufficient space in your yard. Spring is fast approaching, so soon you can start to prepare your garden to cultivate vegetables and herbs. But if you want to have a wide variety of vegetables you will need to find a way to cultivate them. ...

Growing Food Security In The North
Setting up a garden in a cold climate zone is not that easy. Plants need sunlight and warmth in order to grow, so living in a cold area means you need to make an effort to have a healthy garden. Or you can just follow in the footsteps of this Yukon inventor, who crated an off-the-grid ...

DIY Fun With Grass Seeds And Sponges
If you are looking for fun homemade projects for your kids, this next one might be a great choice. It is a little grass house that can be made at home without big costs and materials from your household. To build the house you will be using kitchen sponge and plant the grass seed ...

How to Easily Build a Straw Bale Garden
When people start a vegetable gardening adventure, they’re often put down by the hardships that come with a soil that isn’t as fertile as you’d like. Our advice is not to let go of your plans and turn to a smart and creative alternative: straw bale gardening. As the name suggests, ...

16 Cool Ways To Reuse Plastic Bottles
Plastic bottles are the biggest enemy of our environment, as they will practically remain there forever once thrown out. The US is among the world’s largest consumer when it comes to plastic (buying bottles and containers) and a large percent of these bottles end up in the trash. ...

Share if You Think Every School Should Have a Year-Round Gardening Program!
Gardening is an art form you get to love especially if you encounter it when you’re little. That’s what the school featured on this webpage does. The Waldorf School of Cape Cod has started a gardening program for its pupils which should be the stuff of inspiration for ...

The World’s First Vertical Farm
Vertical Harvest of Jackson Hole is a public/private partnership with the town of Jackson that will fill an ever increasing market demand for locally grown, fresh produce by building a three story, 13,500 sq. ft. hydroponic greenhouse in the heart of downtown. The greenhouse will ...

12 Insanely Clever Gardening Hacks
Gardening can be both fun and annoying, but with the right tips and tricks you will only notice the fun and pleasant moments. If gardening is your passion, but you feel it a bit challenging at times, this next list of tips will make your life and your gardening activities a little ...

Learn How to Make a Raised Garden Bed Cover
Raised gardens are a highly effective type of gardening and making sure you have fresh vegetables all the time. But the construction of your garden is not everything, since there are other factors which will influence the quality of your vegetable production. One of the most important ...