Designed by Italian architect Massimo Scalzo, this creation was born from the desire to solve everyday problems and to improve the quality of living space with simple and innovative solutions. From this challenge arises Wings, The Pc Bedroom. The pc bedroom is a simple and effective solution. Use a notebook, tablet, read a book, have breakfast, versatility was the basis of the concept during the design phase. The use is varied, from young sleepless in bed they want to continue their activities to the PC until you get to those who are forced to sleep momentarily. Concretely it is a support surface that, with the principle of the shelf, is lowered from the head of the bed until it reaches the level of the knees.
Massimo Scalzo tells us, “was born as a result of a personal need and a news story, which spoke of an American boy who reported permanent marks on the legs due to its high exposure to the heat of pc needs. On a hot August night I had the idea to design and build a pc to bed. “
it is good way of technology setlament