Photographer Spends 20 Years Capturing Photos of Microscopic Plankton

Ryo Minemizu is a marine life photographer who is dedicated to capturing the most stunning pictures of the smallest underwater organisms: plankton.

His main shooting spots are Mount Fiji in the Osezaki sea and just outside the Okinawa coast and he searches the secrets of deep waters to find his subjects. Minemizu’s passion transcends the hobby level and he is truly dedicated to finding his subjects, often spending even eight hours underwater trying to take the perfect shot.
Since plankton is a microscopic organism, measuring from 2 mm to 40 mm, Minemizu had to figure out how to best capture them on camera. After a lot of failed attempts, he finally managed to develop the Black Water Dive, which is a night dive using underwater lighting to shine a light on the tiny plankton.
Minemizu wanted to observe these small wonders of the universe in their natural habitat, that’s why he dedicated more than 20 years of life photographing them and showing their natural vivid colors and textures.
Plankton is presented in stunning details in Minemizu’s pictures and they seem almost unreal.
His amazing work in marine life photography was also showcased in 2018 in Tokyo at his exhibition called Jewels in the Night Sea.

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