The spreading of fake news is an intense subject in recent years, and it has been proved many times that any article or picture can be distorted to change the perspective.
That’s why fake news is so dangerous, as it’s becoming harder and harder to tell apart fake stories from real ones and avoid getting manipulated by the media.
Two Danish photographers conducted a project in which they wanted to prove people that manipulating imagines and reality can be very easy and it is done to us daily. Ólafur Steinar Gestsson and Philip Davali, are two Copenhagen-based photographers who went on the street and photographed people queueing outside stores, respecting the measures of social distancing.
But by using different perspectives, the queue quickly turned into a crowd and it looked like people were forming illegal crowds in times of the COVID pandemic. The project was commissioned by Ritzau Scanpix, as they wanted to warn people of the dangers of fake news and pictures that have been spreading in the Danish media since the beginning of the lockdown.
Wide angle
Wide angle
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