Samsung Unveiled its Net Zero Home Project at IFA 2023

At IFA 2023 in Berlin, Samsung Electronics unveiled its groundbreaking Net Zero Home Project, showcasing the company’s commitment to sustainable living and innovative technology. The one-person household constructed outside the event venue served as a tangible example of a carbon-neutral home, powered by Samsung’s SmartThings Energy. The project emphasized the potential for homes to generate and store their energy through the integration of solar panels and batteries. In collaboration with industry leaders such as Hanwha Qcells, SMA, Maxeon, and ABB, Samsung demonstrated how cutting-edge technology can be harnessed to create a home that not only reduces its carbon footprint but also operates efficiently and intelligently.

The Net Zero Home Project not only focused on energy generation but also highlighted the capabilities of SmartThings Energy in monitoring and managing various aspects of a smart home. By incorporating artificial intelligence, SmartThings Energy enables users to optimize their energy usage by efficiently controlling home appliances and even predicting monthly energy consumption. The introduction of AI Energy Mode exemplifies Samsung’s commitment to providing users with a seamless and eco-conscious lifestyle, automatically activating power-efficient algorithms to ensure that appliances run in an energy-saving mode, further contributing to the goal of a net-zero carbon home.

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