Screened Cat Porches are a great way to keep your kitty safe

Living in a house with a garden and having cats indoor can be a real challenge, as you have to decide whether you let your pets wander outdoors once in a while or not. Letting your cats go outdoors comes with some risks, as they can always get hit by cars, get in fights with other animals and get sick. If you decided to keep your pets indoors, but still want them to enjoy a little bit of the outside world, then this screened in patio might be a smart idea. You can build the screen right in front of your home’s windows and create a small platform for you cats to sit on.
This way, they can safely observe what’s happening outside and you can still feel relax by knowing exactly where they are. You can place their favorite pillows and toys on the screened patio and create a space of afternoon chilling and long naps. Such a simple and great idea at the same time.

We know two things: All cats want to be outside and they love boxes. The Cat Solarium is the best of both.

Find more HERE…

22 Responses to “Screened Cat Porches are a great way to keep your kitty safe”

  1. Donna Rickard says:

    My cats would love that

  2. Carol palm says:

    Would love direction how to put the first one together my cat loves to sit at a window an this would be to cool.carol

  3. Jackie says:

    That is a great idea .

  4. Dawn reeckmann says:

    Is there directions how to make these ?

  5. Jeanine says:

    Is there anything available for casement windows?

  6. dawn price says:

    I just love this idea. when I buy my house I gonna put one of these up and post it

  7. Sharyn Collins says:

    Never have cats go outside as they can get feline leukemia from mosquitoes. They are adorable and the idea is so sweet but it’s not good for them to be an outdoor cat just my opinion

  8. Marc Polo says:

    If you added a removable tray for litter in a area it would Sell Better,

  9. Sue Williams says:

    I like way u made ur cat outside wiindow

  10. Brian says:

    I used to think this was an awesome idea. But then it occurred to me how much it would suck to be taken out to a fancy restaurant and be on the other side of a chicken wire fence from the food….

  11. Stephanie says:

    We so need one of these

  12. Lisa says:

    How much they run and can you put them in your self

  13. joy says:

    That is not true that all cats want to be outside, I think that cat owners just let them out and it is possibly easier for the owner. They don’t have the litter boxes to clean as much. Any cat that has lost its territory with a cat fight would probably wish they were inside and not scared or worse, hit by a car. I have had cats as pets all my adult life and none have ever been outside nor do they know what outside is. No cat can open the door freely.

  14. Millie Bordyn says:

    What fantastic ideas. What cat wouldn’t love it.

  15. Zoe Abston says:

    That’s exactly what I want for my 2 cats. Moving to a new house and wish I had the plans for these.

  16. William J Pomer says:

    Very cool…

  17. Regina says:

    I love this!! One of the coolest thing to do for your fur baby. They can get their fresh air. I don’t have to worry about someone stealing my baby or even getting hit by a car!!

  18. Desneiges Turgeon says:

    Would love to learn more about screened in patio for cats

  19. Bryan Ford says:

    Like information about the product

  20. JOYCE MYRUS says:

    I’m interested in buying a screened porch or two. Do you sell them? If not who does? They appear excellent, just what we need. Thank you.

  21. Terri says:

    my husband has made something like this for our cat….she absolutely loves it…

  22. Jan catip says:

    what a great idea my little cat loves to look out side and sun herself Are these home made or can u buy a kit

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