Artist Creates Amazing Animal Sculptures From Found Seashells at the Beach


Collecting shells on the beach can be a nice relaxing activity, but for Anna Chan is a medium through which she expresses her artistic vision. She is a New York-based artist, who discovered her passion as a land art maker during the COVID-19 lockdown.
Chan is a professional jewelry designer, but business was slow during the pandemic, so she decided to dedicate her time to creating nature-inspired sculptures. She started spending a lot of time at the beach with her 10-year old daughter and after creating pebbles and shells, they created all sorts of magical characters out of them.
Chan says that it was a great experience to work on a larger scale since her profession requires her to work with small pieces and be very careful.
The very first sculpture she created was a turtle, and more followed, such as a sheep, a panda, and even an octopus. She always lets the materials inspire her and the color of the pebbles and shells usually dictate the direction in which the design will go.
To learn more about Chan’s amazing land art sculptures, visit her Instagram account where she posts her days and memories from her strolls on the beach.

Anna Chan: Website | Instagram

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