Be sure to add a pathway or stairs. A usable path will be a valuable investment as it will allow you to better care for and maintain your plants.
Hillside Landscaping: A Complete Guide to Successful Gardens on Sloping Ground
Be sure to add a pathway or stairs. A usable path will be a valuable investment as it will allow you to better care for and maintain your plants.
Hillside Landscaping: A Complete Guide to Successful Gardens on Sloping Ground
Gardening is very therapeutic. It can help in the treatment of depression, anxiety, among many others. Those pictures are very spot on. Will try following suit with those suggestions. 🙂
Hi there, Great tips by the way and thank you. I did have
a question though. I’m hoping you can answer it for me since you seem to be
pretty knowledgeable about gardening. How do shovel headed garden worms
help in your garden? If you had some insight I would greatly appreciate it.
Please include a Pinterest link
This is beautifully done. Thanks for sharing this post.
If you can provide more photos especially wide angle photographs.