Human Brain Cells on a Chip Can Recognize Speech And Do Simple Math
A team led by engineer Feng Guo from Indiana University Bloomington has developed a system called Brainoware, which integrates real human brain tissue with electronics. Brainoware uses brain organoids—three-dimensional mini-brains grown from human pluripotent stem cells—in conjunction ...

DeepSouth: Supercomputer Simulating Human Brain To Go Online This Year
Researchers at Western Sydney University in Australia, in collaboration with tech giants Intel and Dell, are set to unveil a supercomputer named DeepSouth, designed to simulate neural networks at the scale of the human brain. The computer is capable of emulating networks of spiking ...

How To Transfer an Old VHS Tape to Your Computer
If you caught the 90s in your youth or older, then you’ll definitely know what VHS tapes are all about. With the ever changing world, technology is breaking new grounds every single day. That’s why if you want to save some of your old VHS tapes, it is time to digitize them! ...

Computer Mouse by Designer Ross Wilson
Two computer mice that are design to fit my hand perfectly. Plastercine was moulded to a comfortable fit then scanned using a 3D scanner. CAD models were then produced using the scan data. Both mice were printed using SLS (selective laser sintering). Bases of both mice have been dyed ...