How To Build a Backyard Pond
We know that a backyard pond with running water, floating plants and darting fish can make a bland space breathtaking. In the following we show you how to build your own pond. Instructions come from TotalPond team, a brand with over 50 years experience. Vivid flowers, well-manicured ...

How to Make a DIY Compost Sifter EASY!
This DIY project shows how to build a trommel (rotary screen) for sifting compost or shredded leaves. The purpose of sifting is to separate coarse unfinished compost materials from the finished product or to separate out trash and debris from other organic materials before use in ...

DIY Bean Trellis For Any Vegetable Garden
When you have a large garden the DIY project possibilities are almost endless. You can build anything you wish if you have some extra time and some money to invest. So, if you’re looking for a new outdoor project, then this beautiful bean tunnel might be the inspiration you need. ...

How To Make An Espalier Trellis
What is an Espalier? An espalier is a plant that has been trained to grow in a flat plane against a wall, fence, or trellis, though the term has also been used to describe the technique of training a plant to grow this way. The technique was invented by the ancient Romans, and further ...

Small Chicken Coop with Planter
If you have a few chickens to care for, then you definitely need an appropriate coop for them. This annex is a must-have in your homestead, so if you don’t have one yet or you’re planning to improve the existing coop, here is a perfect DIY project to try. The small chicken ...

A Sofa made from Jeans
When you thought people cannot reuse jeans in a more creative way, this DIY Sofa pops out! As you can see from the photos, used pairs of jeans are not thrown away but repurposed in a clever way. A sofa made from jeans is all about rethinking your usual furniture. The final result ...

Chicken Jungle Gym
It may sound like a crazy thing but if you think about it, chickens like every other animal needs exercising to keep their health at an acceptable level. Lack of physical activity will influence, in a bad way, the way the chickens will develop. Most of the times, less space will lead ...

How to Build a Pallet Shed
Instead of throwing away wood pallets, you could repurpose them into something useful, like a shed. A storage space always handy in one’s yard, the shed you raise from a bunch of pallets will not only do good to the environment – with less trees cut down – but will also last ...

DIY Fairy House Planter
Here’s how to make a sweetly whimsical DIY fairy house planter from a terra cotta pot & other inexpensive items. It’s really easy, so why not give it a try? To make this DIY project you’ll need a list of supplies: