DIY Fairy House Planter

Here’s how to make a sweetly whimsical DIY fairy house planter from a terra cotta pot & other inexpensive items. It’s really easy, so why not give it a try? To make this DIY project you’ll need a list of supplies:

–> Terra cotta pot
–> Gorilla glue
–> 527 multi-purpose glue
–> decorative stones
–> Fairy Garden Mushrooms
–> Resin door
–> fairy outdoor seating
–> Mini Fence, Birdhouse, Welcome Sign
–> Preserved Green Sheet Moss

source: Crafts Unleashed

source: Life creatively organized


    • Marlene on said:

      I wouldn’t think so Pat, I would think if you bought your plat pots from a nursery they would already be sealed, if you buy craft pots made from painted plaster of Paris which are then just painted terracotta colour they would be porous

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