Use Clear Umbrellas From The Dollar Store For A DIY Greenhouse Hack
There is a gardening hack that has been going viral online and it only requires one cheap item, a clear umbrella you could find at a local dollar store. A clear umbrella placed over your plants will act as a mini-greenhouse and trap humidity inside to keep the sprouts healthy and ...

People Are Using Dollar Store Laundry Baskets As Strawberry Planters
Some people are so inventive, and thanks to the Internet they can quickly share their useful tips and tricks with everyone. The dollar store hides a lot of treasures, which at a first glance might seem useless and cheap, but with a bit of creativity can be turned into ingenious items.
Someone ...

Amazing Dollar Store Decor Idea
Decorating your room in a modern way can be expensive, but not if you’re a fan of DIY projects. Just go to a store full of decoration items, choose your favorite ones and then search the Internet for similar DIY projects. You can be sure, that something great will pop out. This ...