DIY Made of Old Tires
Do you happen to have a bunch of tires lying around? And you say you don’t have any use for them anymore? Repurposing is an essential component to the DIY person, so if you landed on this webpage, you are keen on recycling old tires in order to improve your garden design. First ...

How To Make a Great Chair From Old Tires
Here’s another great DIY project which also involves recycling. We are going to show you step by step how to make yourself a great chair from old tires. What you’ll need are two used tires, fabric for covering them (it can have any pattern that you like), some wood palettes, ...

How to Make a Decorative Pond From Old Tires
Tyre Ponds are a great little garden feature that can enhance the overall aesthetics and integrated pest management of a site. By inviting biodiversity into the site we can make the system more resilient and attractive which tyre ponds do so elegantly.
Here are the steps you need ...