Scientists Look into Anti-aging Secrets of the Greenland Shark, Which Live for Centuries
The Greenland shark (Somniosus microcephalus) has captured scientists’ fascination due to its extraordinary longevity, with some individuals living for up to 500 years. As the longest-living vertebrate known to science, these sharks offer a unique window into understanding the ...

Scientists Discover That Climate Change Is Causing Longer Days
Scientists have discovered that climate change is causing longer days by slightly slowing down Earth’s rotation. This effect, although minuscule and measured in milliseconds, is attributed to the melting of glaciers, which redistributes mass from polar ice caps to the equator ...

Scientists Discover That Crows Can Actually Count Out Loud
Crows are incredibly intelligent animals. Scientifically known as the genus Corvus, with many subsidiary species around the globe, these birds frequently impress scientists and amateur bird watchers alike with their brilliance. One rescued crow visited his savior every day to sip ...

Innovative Process Allows Scientists To Grow Diamonds From Scratch in 15 Minutes
Around the world, diamonds continue to be in demand. After all, they are not only used as jewelry but they also have multiple uses in the automotive, mining, and acoustic equipment industries, among others. As an alternative to natural diamonds—a practice long attached to exploitation—lab-grown ...

Researchers Create Nanogenerator Capable of Using Greenhouse Gas to Produce Electricity
The groundbreaking discovery by University of Queensland scientists heralds a new era in sustainable energy generation, as they stumbled upon a nanogenerator capable of harnessing the potential of carbon dioxide, the ubiquitous greenhouse gas. In a serendipitous turn of events, the ...

In World First, Scientists Share What Was Almost Certainly a Conversation with a Humpback Whale
In a remarkable scientific milestone, researchers have achieved what could be termed a conversation with a humpback whale, ushering in a new era of interspecies communication and understanding. This groundbreaking encounter took place off the coast of Southeast Alaska with an adult ...

Scientists Prove They Can Detect Traces of Life in Grains of Extraterrestrial Ice
Scientists have achieved a groundbreaking milestone in the quest for extraterrestrial life by proving their ability to detect traces of life in grains of extraterrestrial ice. The long-held belief that evidence of life beyond Earth could be found within the icy realms of celestial ...

Scientists Have 3D-Scanned Thousands of Creatures Creating Incredibly Intricate Images Anyone Can Access for Free
The completion of the openVertebrate (oVert) project marks a monumental leap forward in both scientific research and public accessibility to natural history collections. Over the course of five years, 18 institutions collaborated to undertake the ambitious task of 3D-scanning thousands ...

Isolated Antarctic Scientists Are Beginning To Develop Their Own Unique Accent
Antarctica, with its stark beauty and isolation, has become an unintentional laboratory for the evolution of language. The continent, devoid of permanent human populations, hosts scattered research stations where scientists and support staff endure months of seclusion. The Ludwig-Maximilians-University ...