New Zealand’s Quest to Save its Rotund, Flightless Parrots

New Zealand’s kākāpō, the world’s heaviest parrot species, faced imminent extinction due to hunting, predators, and habitat loss in the mid-1900s. However, dedicated conservation efforts since the 1970s, focused on offshore islands where predators are systematically ...

Human Brain Cells on a Chip Can Recognize Speech And Do Simple Math

A team led by engineer Feng Guo from Indiana University Bloomington has developed a system called Brainoware, which integrates real human brain tissue with electronics. Brainoware uses brain organoids—three-dimensional mini-brains grown from human pluripotent stem cells—in conjunction ...

Plastic Rocks Found On Remote Volcanic Island Are “An Alarming Discovery” Scientists Warn

The recent discovery of “plastiglomerates” on Trindade Island, a remote volcanic island off the Brazilian coast, has sent shockwaves through the scientific community due to its alarming environmental implications. Initially, scientists were perplexed by the presence of ...
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