Expat Lawyer Turns UK Terrace Into a Beauty by Blending Tradition with Modernity
In North London’s Newington Green, expat lawyer Tess Bridgman and digital product designer Matjaz Cuk have turned their Victorian terraced house into a stunning blend of tradition and modernity. While the front of the house adheres to the typical terrace appearance with a row ...

Greccio: The Italian Village That’s Home to the World’s First Nativity Scene
In the picturesque village of Greccio, nestled on a cliffside in Umbria, Italy, Christmas is not confined to a single season but a year-round affair. Greccio holds a unique claim to fame as the birthplace of the world’s first nativity scene, created by St. Francis of Assisi ...

Edmonton Christmas Tree Rental: a Sustainable Alternative to Traditional Christmas Trees
In Edmonton, Alberta, a unique holiday trend is gaining popularity as Farlinger Farms in Strathcona County offers an environmentally conscious alternative to traditional Christmas tree options. For the second consecutive year, the farm is providing residents with the opportunity to ...

Beautiful Paper Quilled Portraits of a Diverse Population in a Hopeful Future
Yulia Brodskaya, the innovative paper quilling artist, has carved a unique niche in the art world with her mesmerizing paper-quilled portraits that envision a diverse and hopeful future. Utilizing a distinctive technique that involves the meticulous rolling, shaping, and gluing of ...

‘Tis the Season of the Iconic Rockefeller Christmas Tree in New York City
Christmas is in the air! Early Saturday morning, a dazzling symbol of holiday cheer emerged in the heart of New York City as the iconic 80-foot, 12-ton Christmas tree was installed in front of Rockefeller Center. This annual tradition, eagerly awaited by locals and tourists alike, ...