Redecorating your home entails an effort of creativity and a well thought design ahead of any other planning. You could opt for the easy route and just shop for a one-of-a-kind piece of furniture from any design inclined store. But you don’t have to do that. There are plenty of DIY projects you could easily implement. Look at these ideas for an old sewing machine re-used as beautiful furniture. Transforming one such machine, Singer of any other brand for that matter, into a nice open sink cabinet, need only some coats of white paint and a matching slab of marble with a hole in it to install the sink. Likewise, you can replace the marble with a much cheaper wood and you can put the old sewing machine in a more rustic and warmer bathroom ambiance or in the dinning area. If you feel more creative, you can even turn the machine into a wooden chair. It depends on what you need in your home and how much do you want to work on the DIY. The important aspect is that you are free to make it look the way you like it and help you redecorate and improve the overall interior design of your home. Feel free to find new examples of re-purposing an old sewing machine. Good luck with the project!
my old table fits the new JENGA game perfectly and is heavy duty enough to handle it!
These are cabinets. What happened to the machines? A shame that old relics are not respected, merely cast off.
We purchased old Singer complete with the original tools that came with it, an instruction booklet and the bill of sale. I would never take the machine out just to make something else out of it. I do have some décor sitting on top of it, but it is in it’s original state.
Maravilloso los proyectos.
i have an old sewing machine and cabinet and it is a dust magnet and hard as heck to get to all those little spaces.
those old machines were good. They could be serviced and used again once serviced. These new machines are just tossed aside and replaced with new machines.
I’d much rather have a old machine.
I have one with original owners manual and bobbins if you are interested…….
do you still have it? if so, how much annd where do you live? i am in western nebraska, but would be interested.
Check this one I made too:
Nice article, but I think a better title would be “Various Ways To Reyse An Old Sewing Machin Table.”
Ugly, ugly, ugly !!! Do not destroy old things with paint like that in those colors! Ughhh !
These old machines are still wonderful and can be used in third world countries where electricity is limited or non-existent. Women in these countries are learning to sew on them and are supporting their families.
I would love to have an old Singer treadle machine or even just an old machine table.
I just don’t understand why anyone would rather do something like this as opposed to keeping and restoring the antique Sewing Machine. I have the old singer machine in the cabinet and I will cherish til my dying day. I hope my children will do the same once I’m gone.
I love all the ideas for reusing an old Singer Sewing Machine table. Very creative!
I have an old cabinet,electric machine, some spare parts and manual if anyone is interested. Im in Rochester NY. It’s currently being used as an entry way desk, but appears to be original stain finish
Maybe they been taken as interior at the ALL SAINTS shops
Look up Gary’s Tractors ( Weberville Michigan)
On facebook for the BEST recycle/up cycle of old metal sewing machines into unique Tractors. I ordered a custom one from him to display in my sewing shoppe. (Pics on my page )
It sure has given me some great ideas for the future.
Old Sewing Machines are out there just waiting