Amazing Sculptures Out of Old Farm Tools


The steam-punk style of art and design pops out from unsuspected places. Even though the animals featured here might look real, they are actually the work of bronze sculptor John Lopez. Marvel at what beautiful pieces of art one can achieve with some talent and scrap metal. The exquisite welded artworks feature horses and bulls but other stuff you would find at a ranch, like a guitar, a fiddle and even rangers. It is truly impressive to see how a person can use scrap metal, chains and other gears gathered from farm equipment in such creative ways. Check out all of Lopez’s work and spread the news about his talent.




Amazing-Sculptures-Out-of-Old-Farm-Tools-3“The Lopez herd always included a number of longhorn cows, mixed in with the Angus and Herefords. I began with a background texture of scrap metal and roller chain to replicate carved and tooled leather.  My good buddy and musician Ken Raba…”






  • Dr Barbie J Taylor on said:

    These are fantastic sculptures. Where exactly are you located, and is there a specific gallery? What is the price range?

  • Heather Lannin on said:

    Massive thumbs up for all your ace art work from me at a very small project called “Trash and Treasure Artworks” but I’m hoping it will gather good momentum. You can find it on Facebook but I don’t have a website yet.
    I love your creative recycling enterprise and wish you every success always.

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