Australia’s First Rescued-Food Supermarket Opens

Forget about the PRICE TAG. Now honesty based supermarket opens to help the vulnerable. The OzHarvest Market is Australia’s first ever rescued food supermarket, stocked with produce that has either been donated or would otherwise go to waste, but is perfectly edible. Based on a ‘take what you need, give if you can’ philosophy, our purpose is to make rescued food available to everyone, especially those who need it most. The OzHarvest Market is a pop up marketplace, which is part of The Addison Project, TOGA and Qualitas’ youth shelter housing project at The Addison Hotel on Anzac Parade in Kensington, Sydney. It will be open for as long as the site is available. Aim is to tackle hunger and eliminate waste… What do you think?

OzHarvest honestly box lets you pay little or nothing at all.

Donations supply supermarket instead of throwing food away…

 Ronni Kahn– Founder and CEO OZMarket, an Australian social entrepreneur.

Mon to Fri 10am–2pm

1 Comment

  • Danielle on said:

    I think this is a great idea! Here in America so much goes to waste that shouldn’t. Our local market had a freezer catch fire a few weeks ago. All the meat in the freezer- even though it was still frozen solid, was thrown out. The fire fighters who responded to the fire asked if they could take it to the local food pantry and were told they could not, that it was against the law, the stuff had to be thrown out. What a terrible waste!! Pounds of hamburger, streaks, chicken, etc…thrown in the bin.

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