I Had No Idea Shipping Containers Could Look So Good
I Had No Idea Shipping Containers Could Look So Good. This is a Modern Farmhouse. Designing unique and simple solutions to complex problems has always been one of Jon Meier’s strongest attributes. Like most engineers, the founder of Backcountry Containers has always enjoyed taking ...

Perfect Beautiful Family Build Shipping Container Home
This is a container shipping house built by Backcountry Containers bring the perfect beauty. Designing unique and simple solutions to complex problems has always been one of Jon Meier’s strongest attributes. Like most engineers, the founder of Backcountry Containers has always enjoyed ...

DIY Bean Trellis For Any Vegetable Garden
When you have a large garden the DIY project possibilities are almost endless. You can build anything you wish if you have some extra time and some money to invest. So, if you’re looking for a new outdoor project, then this beautiful bean tunnel might be the inspiration you need. ...

How To Make An Espalier Trellis
What is an Espalier? An espalier is a plant that has been trained to grow in a flat plane against a wall, fence, or trellis, though the term has also been used to describe the technique of training a plant to grow this way. The technique was invented by the ancient Romans, and further ...

DIY Unicorn Easter Eggs
Are you on the unicorn trend yet? We know that you love the unicorn cakes or unicorn cupcakes, so now we turned our Easter eggs into a cute sleepy eye unicorn. A little hot glue, some flowers and a few vinyl sleepy eyes later, you have these irresistibly cute Easter eggs any unicorn ...

The Wild Route: Leaving Work And Home For A Forest Life
Deep in a forest in North Carolina lies a community of people who’ve left their jobs, given up their cell phones, and seceded. A former cybersecurity official, an engineer, a woman and her wild blue-eyed eight-year-old…the inhabitants of Wild Roots, as they call this place, ...

Take Your Pick! The Top 100 Miniature Fairy Garden Design Ideas
Looks like fairy gardens are a real trend nowadays, as they are adorable little worlds that you can place or create in your garden. If you’re a fan of fairies and enchanted creatures, you have to see this collection of The 100 Most Beautiful Mini-Fairy Garden Ideas that you can ...

Macrame Plant Hanger for Beginners DIY Tutorial
Want Plants In Your Home But Don’t Know Where To Put Them? These DIY Macrame Plant Hangers Are The Perfect Solution. A home filled with plants is not only beautiful but also good for your health as plants produce oxygen which is much needed for us humans to survive. If you live ...

DIY Suitcase Fairy Garden
Vintage elements are still very popular, whether it comes to fashion, images or home design. When it comes to decorations, less is more in terms of vintage decor and it can do magic to your home or outdoor space. This next project is perfect for those who would like to bring a bit ...