5 Forgotten Ways To Keep Food Cold Without Electricity

Just imagine how it would be to live without electrical power! Total chaos, as we became so dependent on this power source that we can’t even imagine life without it. But in case there would be a natural disaster or another survival scenario, would you know what to do and how ...

Different Designs for Splitting Logs

With the cold season approaching with each passing day, there are lots of things you should prepare for, like firewood. To be more precise, splitting firewood! Sure, the good old axe is a solution most people resort to. But there are alternatives to this manual driven activity. There’s ...

IKEA Releases Free Designs For A Garden Sphere That Feeds A Neighborhood

Making something of value for your neighborhood may seem like a tough job, even an impossible one for some. But this idea from IKEA might just prove to go the distance. The Garden Sphere you can see in the photo or The Grow Room as it is called, can be successfully used to grow food. ...

Essential Hempcrete Construction: The Complete Step-by-Step Guide

Hempcrete is a versatile, energy-efficient natural insulation material, useful for walls, roofs, and floors. Made from the inner stem of the hemp plant mixed with a lime-based binder, it is a very strong, lightweight and breathable alternative to manufactured insulations. Essential ...

A Secret Studio Under A Bridge

Oftentimes artists complain about lack of space for practicing or even creating art. Instead of telling others his sorrow, Fernando Abellanas took action. His studio will astound you! Under a bridge in Valencia, Spain is where he began setting up this amazing studio. It’s actually ...

Creative Toilet Paper Holders

If you are looking to replace the generic holder that came with your house, or want to go all-in to coordinate everything your newly remodeled bathroom, here’s a list of +10 creative toilet paper holders is sure to inspire! These are available for buying in the link under pictures. ...

Plant these vegetable together to make the most use of space and deter pests

We are right in the middle of vegetable-planting season, the sun is shining, and we’ve wanted to grow our own veg for a while now, but the thought of knowing where to plant them, how far apart the different vegetables should be, and how long they need to grow can become daunting ...

Plates out of fresh green leaves

The plates were designed to reduce plastic waste. They are stitched together with fibres from palm leaves and can disintegrate within 28 days in compost.  German company, Leaf Republic, makes disposable tableware which is completely renewable and biodegradable. What do you think? ...

Splitting wood with a tire? This trick saves a lot of work.

Splitting wood with a tire? This trick saves a lot of work. Use an old tire to hold the wood together while you split it/neat trick. Here is a link to a awesome fiskar maul and Leveraxe. It’s safe to use. What do you think?
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