Sliding Multi-Pass Door

Doors are an important part of the interior design process as they can contribute to the harmony of your home. Choosing the right door is very important, mostly because they come in so many shapes and materials. But have you ever thought about the importance of small door parts, such ...

DIY Adorable Sock Bunny

Bunnies are adorable and kids generally love them. As having a bunny as a pet is a bit problematic, you can surprise your child with a “homemade craft bunny”. The project is easy, as the most important thing you will need are socks. Surely you have lots of socks at home ...

DIY Modular Seating – (free plan)

What we have here is an amazing piece of furniture, that you can build at home. The DIY modular seating can be easily made from wooden boards and cushions. What’s to be remembered about this is the variety of ways in which you could position the pieces. You can choose to have ...

How to Turn An Unused Space Into Something Useful

Haven’t you craved for a room in which you can do all of your work or have a designated place for your kid to play, but your home doesn’t have the space for it? The owners of the townhouse you see in the photo had an amazing idea! They’ve created an extra place for ...

Space-Up Double Bed

Finding the right bed for your child can put a lot of pressure on you, as there are a series of features you have to keep in mind. First of all, it is important to choose the rightly sized bed. Then comfort is another important aspect to keep in mind and last, but not least choosing ...

DIY Cute Sock Snowman

Preparing the décor of your home for a winter theme is quite simple. Even if you might be half-way through the cold season, you could still keep some of the atmosphere of the snowy months present in your home with a simple toy or piece of decoration (depends on how you wish to use ...

8 Awesome Recycled Fences

Did you decide on building a fence but aren’t quite sure what design to choose and how the final result will look? Via this website, now you have the opportunity to see a number of easy-built fences made out of recycled materials. No, really, you could take glass bottles just like ...

How To Make Gummy Bears At Home

Gummy bears are such a delicious treat! If you are a big fan of candies and especially gummy bears, you will find this tutorial more than great. After only a few steps you will know how to make your own gummy bears at home, without having to spend a lot of money at the store to buy ...

The Blue Chicken House

People tend to see chickens as objects and not as animals. Don’t fall into the same mistake. If you are treating your chickens well, but aren’t quite sure about how to do things better, here is a little piece of advice: invest in the infrastructure. A good chicken house ...
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