What’s better than sitting around a campfire in the summer evenings? A beautiful summer evening with a backyard fire pit is the perfect gathering spot for family and friends. How does it look this place ?
6- Bags of Sacreete (or Quickcreete – whatever you call it) one for each upright.
6- 6x6x10’s (for the uprights)
6- 6x6x8’s for the top sections
6- 2x6x8’s for the stabilizers that go kitty corner on top of 6×6’s (for strength)
24- 3/8’s x 8″ lags for laggin the top horizontal pieces to the uprights (countersunk)
24- 4″ Deck screws for screwing the top pieces together horizontally before lagging them.
24 – 3″ Deck screws for screwing the top 2×6 stabilizers to the 6×6’s
10- 3/8×8″ eyebolts with nuts and washers for hanging the swings
” I din’t have any building instructions to go by, pretty much just winged it. I layed out the hexagon in the yard so that center for the uprights for each bay was 7′ apart because I knew I wanted to get 5′ swings. I had 14′ from each upright to the upright opposite of it. I’m not sure what the angles were, I just took two pieces of scrap and layed them up there and messed around cutting a few until I got the angle right. We got all the top pieces set up there before lagging them all in. Left one bay swingless so that I could carry firewood in.
I got 6x6x10’s for the uprights and they are sacreeted almost 3 feet in the ground. I guess its a little over 7 feet to the bottom of the 6x6x8’s on top. ” Chenango Dave (owner)
- Swing Set Fire Pit
- Multi-Swing Chair Set
- DIY Fire Pit & Patio Project
Where can I get the specs for this???
I also would like the specs for this great looking project !! Let me know where to get them.
specs? It’s all in the photos, what more specs do you need? But do make sure you are using proper steel column bases, as timber posts inserted into the soil directly will rot away in 5 years tops.
There green treated posts, which have a 20 year warranty, As a deck builder for the past 30 years, 4×4 posts have lasted more than 16 years on anything I have removed and then replaced, so your 5 year tops is not very likely, Please be more truthful in your statements, or try not giving advice with guessing.
How far apart are the posts? From post A to post B, is the 4 ft, 6 ft, 8 ft?
Maybe it has been added since you posted, but it’s in the start of the post.
love the post
why you do not make it yourself?
Maybe it has been added since you posted, but it’s in the start of the post.
Materials list is in the post, nothing else. Ana white does a better job with her instructions.
This is really cool, you may like this as well, check out
Not on the market yet, the inventor is looking for public interest and a manufacturer or investor to license the patent
Based upon the picture and the lumber dimensions I would guess that has 7 foot sides.
So each side will be 7 feet and each post will be 6 feet from the center of the hexagon.
If you are in a cold weather climate I would go with 12 foot 6×6 for the uprights and bury them 4 feet into the ground to get below the normal frost line. This will prevent heaving in the winter.
Otherwise looks pretty straight forward.
I would love to see the specs for this!!
How much did this cost? I want to build one like it but with a roof and chimney for the smoke of course.
Why not just go indoors you can have a sofa to sit on
you’re obviously not a fan of sitting around a fire. go away.
more comfortable than sofa
Put me on the list for the plans, as well.
I would love to have these plans also. What a beautiful idea.
Would love plans with dimensions of this great firepit swing set!
That is really awesome! You do really have a brilliant mind. I would love to share this one because it is pretty cool to do this one in backyard. I do not know what to say, but you are so amazing! I am really impressed!
great idea hats off for the idea
This assemble swing set is extremely great! And I think this swing set will surely give so much fun and relaxing ambiance. It is really an awesome swing set! Thumbs up!
I love this so much, I have to have one. Please send plans s so my husband can build me one.
where do I buy the swings ?
I would like to know this also!
The internet or your local store which sells hanging bench swings
Awesome idea! Would also love the specs!
I want a copy of plans please…
Basic geometry means that a regular hexagon with 8 foot sides will be 16 feet across point to point or 14 flat to flat. The area inside (to price mulch etc) would be roughly 166 square feet. I do not think you would need “plans” since it is a regular hexagon. In other words, it is made up of 6 even sides.
I was hoping someone would say what I was thinking. 🙂
Thank you Michelle for making this easier for some people to figure out. Doesn’t take a genius, just a woman. I have already got my plans just from looking at the pics and the material list.
Looking at the photos it seems that sides are more like 7′ feet.
This is awesome. Can I please get the plans for this. My hubby now has a new project on his honey do list. Thank u
We just built this. We bought the materials according to the list above and figured out the rest. I absolutely love it!! Thanks for the idea!!
Denise; Have you ever had all swings occupied at the same time?…do you find there’s interference/collisions between adjacent swings?…is the unit solid & stable when in use? Did you set the uprights in concrete and 3-ft deep as described? Thanks for any info.
Ummm…how about the instructions and the rest of the materials (i.e. hardware, firepit materials, the amount of chain and lumber to construct the swings, etc.)?
I would love copy of the plans to build this please!!!!
Mate that is excellent firepit gazebo and I would appreciate the specs for this if possible so that I can also build one. The questions are
1. how deep do the supports go in, in the one you built
2. how far from one post to the other,
3. what paint did you use to finish it off and
4. how far off the ground did you measure the swing seats so that they align with the next one.
Once again what you built is brillant and it is a great compliment to you that people want to copy it.
Yes I would love to build this in my backyard as well great for having company. Thanks in advance
looks awesome
Is it just me or does it seem like a bad idea to have people swinging toward a fire… Looks awesome though!
It’s just you. The idea is to sway gently forward and back. Your feet will barely touch the ground, so you can’t get enough traction to get near the fire.
No, it’s not just you, Dan.
How far in the ground do the 10′ 6×6 go?
Plans? The hardest part of this project is digging six, two foot deep holes and having a saw with enough depth to cut 60′ angles in the six 4x4s.
1. Firepits can be purchased ready made.Swings are also ready made, but you may complicate what is supposed to be an easy project by making your own. 20″-22″ off the ground lets most peoples feet swing free.
2. That’s not paint, it’s semi-transparent charcoal colored stain, to let the wood grain show through.
3.I would have used pea gravel with a weed barrier under (easier on the feet.)
4.Measure from the top, not the ground to get the swings level (providing, of course, your structure was leveled properly.
5. As shown, you would need approx. 120ft. of chain, depending how high you wanted the swings from ground level.
Well done, sir. 🙂
the angles are to be cut at 30 degrees
I love the aesthetics of this project, but I question the functionality. The seats are so close that they will hit each other when swinging out, even less than a foot. Perhaps fixed seats would be a better option. Aside from that, I would recommend a finishing border around the gravel to keep the stones contained and to give it a more finished appearance.
no, they don’t hit each other unless you’re 5 years old and swing as hard as a playground swing. My friend built this and we have had some good times with it!
Right next to your very own puddle of standing water. I can already feel the mosquitos.
The smoke keeps the Mosquitos away….and that is running water of a large creek
very nice!!
it’s Excellent home Design i recommend to all Thank you
It is beautiful but one needs to be able to move the chairs around a campfire; it gets too warm or too cold and adjustments have to be made.
You swing to hard and you’re in the pit.. hmmm?
It’s not easy to swing hard or high on these things. But even with a push from behind the worst you’d do is pass a few feet over it for a brief instant. Hardly a danger. And who would risk spilling their wine to do that anyway? hmmm?
you swing to hard to you need to be cut off and sent to bed
I like this idea except I would make it with swings on two opposite sides and the other sides would have annuals/perennials planted/potted and trellis for a climbing vines/plants.
Worst idea ever. People are going to burn to death if they swing too hard.
Then we’d all thank natural selection for that.
Don’t swing to hard, problem solved. i built this for my son’s wedding gift and they love it.
Will you build me one? PLEASE!!!
Can you build mine lol?
To much J D.
espectecular e ingenioso buenos dias
so many dumbasses here that cant figure out how to build this.. it looks very nice but its so basic
thats how a good old fashin orgy happens swings fire and booze
Looks fantastic and it has so much more potential. I think the biggest challenge for me would be to keep the 6x6s at the same height and level, though.
It would be difficult to make that happen to an exact level just buy placement. But as long as you are within a few inches, you can top cut all to the lowest using a laser level.
I think that people who are dumb enough to swing too hard should burn to death. If that kind of population would burn to death then others wouldn’t have to suffer reading such stupid posts. Also, couldn’t you set the posts then mark and cut all the posts level? MrM had it right with natural selection.
I agree Mark, how can people be so stupid? Did we really put a man on the moon? Somebody said the designer was a genius, wow. And if you’re ignorant enough to swing into the fire, please do so before you have any offspring!
hmmm seems like you and your friend are the idiots here. first off who is going to try and swing on these as if you would at a play ground for kids , this step up is for a layed back gathering , sitting and watching a fire burn .
and no everybody has not had the blessing of being a rocket scientist as you both have, i on the other hand have my own tech. that work extremely well for me, just takes a little longer when you dont know by geometry the degrees for some of your angles
It looks nice.
It remind of our Childhood in my hometown, we DIY our swing and punching bag with a peach tree. not only the Spring season,or Winter, it is good place
I like the idea of trellis and flowers. We have our’s planned out. Basic plan with 3 swings. Criss-cross boards over the top to make an arbour. Replace one swing with a trellis, and a bar-serving area will replace the other. These plans are Basic! Use– your– imagination! Do you really have enough friends/family to fill 5 swings? Take your list to the lumber store, and they can gather the supplies for you. They can even cut boards however you need them. Look into paints or stains. Make it pink and purple dotted if you want! A deck can even be placed under foot. Or keep grass. If you don’t know how to hang swings, ask your garden center where you buy the supplies. They can explain everything if you take a copy of this article. That’s what they do. If you can’t build, they can even do that for you, or look in the paper under handy man. Our biggist problem, now, is what vines to use. I like grapes, but so do the wasps. Maybe trumpet flowers or honeysuckle, or……I just got another idea. Place behind the house, 12’x12′ concrete patio–with barbaque and serving area. Big empress tree. They grow real fast and have thousands of purple flowers. No arbour, but 2 trellis with hanging lights all around. Tree will shade swings. Raw oak-limb swings. Or how about……………..mini version for the kids!
🙂 this is one of the best reply’s made here folks pay a attention , and to add to this,here is another idea , depending on what you like consider using sawmill cut lumber, . its more of a old fashioned look the only real negative is there may be more maintenance involved and a plus side is you will pay about of the money for your wood
this got left out of my reply, sawmill cut lumber, (unfinished or un treated ) cost about 50% less
Pretty sure I would build it next to a mosquito if fester pond tho!
How much did it cost though??
very nice !!!
how much will this cost?
Great ideas!
Needs moar cupholders
Anyone have any thoughts/cautions if I wanted to make a three sided (open) version of this? I love the idea, but have limited space. It would be great to have two swings on one side of the fire pit and the other side open for chairs, etc.
I appreciate any constructive comments/suggestions.
A three sided structure will require much different bracing. The hex gives stability. You could do it, but it would not be as structurally sound.
dave is correct here plus you dont really gain that much space by doing only 3 sides
great place great idea
Fun! First, you bash into the other person swinging on the neighboring swing, then your feet burn as you swing into the fire! Brilliant design!
This is meant to be used to relax. You are not trying to see how high you can swing like a five year old on the playground. Grow up people! If you don’t like it, don’t build it. It’s that simple. Stupid, negative remarks are not required.
I would love the plans/dimensons for this swings with firepit. I would love it in my yard
Awesome design and very inspirational.
In reply to Marko: “But do make sure you are using proper steel column bases, as timber posts inserted into the soil directly will rot away in 5 years tops”.
You don’t need to have steel column bases. You can put the timber columns directly into the concrete base provided that there is no concrete underneath it and that your timber has been treated. This way when it rains, the water will flow down the column and disappear into the ground. But if you also have concrete below the bottom of the timber column (in the hole in the soil), the water would fill to the top level of the concrete and the timber would rot very quickly. Tanalith treated timber posts can go directly into the soil and will not rot, provided there is ample drainage.
Is anyone in this article in facebook and also want to friend me personally? What are your own myspace names, it is a great submit in addition. Also is right now there a great Rss I couldn’t locate it?
Brilliant & such a genius design!
We built this and love it! It’s really not that hard to build guys, as long as you have some basic construction knowledge and skills. We used 3 swings (every other bay), then put an attached solid bench on one side, and then hung two fisher-price baby swings on the 5th bay (and left one open for an “entrance”). We kept grass under ours and it works like a charm! No, you do not swing over the fire pit, either…there is PLENTY of room between the swings and fire pit that it’s not possible. Great idea, and kudos to the original designer of this project. We love it! =)
Hubby is building ours right now. We’re trying to decide if we want to do swings or just benches. Either way, we’re doing 4 with an opening & then across from the opening we’re putting in a table & storing wood underneath. I like the idea of the baby swings.
I found this to be an awesome addition in Minnesota, pricing to build it complete, even has other options for different woods, fire pits, and extras… I have the plans for this to scale as well. This is a great DIY project, and has no limits thanks to imagination!!!
Could you send the plans to scale to me? Would be much appreciated!!!
Henry could I please get a copy of the plans for this
swing set, I would like to make one for the wife.
Hey Henry could you send me be plans Thank You
if you would not mind could you email me the specs please ,I would be very greatfull.thanks
Hi Henry
Would you please send me the specs; plans? I am very interested in making this my Fall project.
It would be very appreciated
thx again
Can I buy a copy of your plans
How to can i buy this product
Awsome view and design, so people will sit anjoy the view and will get warm. God i love to have something like this in my garden =)) someday for sure
Any rough ideas as to cost to build with original specs?
You could use the colored fire rocks to add color.
For those asking about costs:
I used the supplies list and priced it out at HomeDepot.
The structure: around $400
Swings: $115-$250 each (with chains)
If you did the structure with 6 swings, you’re looking at just over $1,000 total.
We made our own swings out of pallets which are free
nice swing. But the name confuses me. If its an octagon swing why does it only has 6 sides? Should it not have eight sides, hence the name octagon
This design is a “Hexagon” “six” sides …I am building mine now
Great idea. Now to convince my husband!
The original builder of this project can be found on the bowhunting.com website. Below you will find the link to his original post about this firepit. In his thread he answers many of the questions everyone has.
Hey guys!
The original post for this swing is here:
how do i get a set of plans for this project
need the planes please
we are making this right now and it is looking awesome!! we are making our own FREE swings
OMG Great idea
how much will this cost.
The instructions are on the page. We r making it now and just following his instructions
In the materials list it says 6×6 on the lumber but that seems a bit overkill. 4×4 lumber would work for this correct?
4×4 would crack a LOT easier under load
Could you use concrete deck piers instead of post hole/auger concrete filled footings.
Here is how to lay out for the upright posts. If you want to use the dimensions provided, locate where you want the fire pit. Drive a stake in the ground in the center of the pit location. Get a piece of light rope and make a loop in one end big enough to slide over the stake. Make a mark at 7 feet. Get a squeeze bottle of chalk dust, the kind used in a string marker, and make a circle where the posts will go. Determine where you want your first post to go. Mark the spot on the circle and drive a stake. Put the loop of the rope on that stake. Stretch out the rope and find the 7 foot mark again. Where that mark crosses the chalk circle is where the next post goes. Drive a stake in that spot. Continue around the circle until you have a stake where each of the six upright posts will be.
This is an old lesson from high school geometry class. Yes, high school taught me something I can use!
Outstanding, that’s the hard part done. Ok, maybe the bench’s will be tricky but that was great…..thank you very much.\
Very very nice!!!!!!!!!!!!! it’s the first time to see this!:)
First of all I want to say fantastic blog! I had a quick question
in which I’d like to ask if you don’t mind. I was interested
to know how you center yourself and clear your
head prior to writing. I’ve had difficulty clearing my mind
in getting my ideas out. I do enjoy writing however it just seems
the first 10 to 15 minutes tend to be wasted
simply just trying to figure out how to begin. Any recommendations
or tips? Many thanks!
I absolutely love this! I will be moving into my new house next weekend and you can bet that, come next spring, I will be building this in my backyard!
This project has the same problem that almost every fire pit setup I have ever seen online and in reality. The distance between the seating and the fire isn’t variable.
The size of and heat produced by every fire varies dramatically and of course changes depending on the state of the fire. Even if every fire you set produced the exact same temperature the ambient temperature changes with the seasons, plus people find different temperatures comfortable, therefore it is of paramount importance that the seating be capable of being moved closer to or further from the fire.
I have a fire pit and my visitors’ seating positions vary a lot. Depending on the multiple factors I mentioned. If you build a pit like the one shown it might look great but you will end up rarely using it or having only some of your guests want to sit at it.
maybe a little further apart so you don’t swing smash peoples hands also so your not so close to the fire otherwise i love it!
i meant to say don’t get burned by the fire lol of course you want to be close!
guests want to sit at it.
I’ve sat around many a fire. What I see here is somebody getting smoke blown in their face and ashes all over the seat of their pants. Good on paper, not so much in real life. It’s a horrible design and you would be better off with lawn chairs that you can move around.
Its a great idea except you know that bit when your kid or drunk husband tosses to much wood in and you all need to move your chairs back real fast……well that might be a problem
gud ideas
That’s so neat!
Ease up Frances
Its a great idea except you know that bit when your kid or drunk husband tosses to much wood in and you all need to move your chairs back real fast……well that might be a problem
LOL, well said
one of the best I see ever.
Fire pits are banned in most cities because of pollution. I think they should be banned totally. Waste of wood and increases pollution, just like burning leaves. Check your local ordinance…..
Fire pits are not banned in most cities because of pollution. Fires have been around for a long time. It’s only polluting when you burn garbage, which is against the law. Burning leaves does not increase pollution either.
Doesn’t anyone READ? All of these questions are answered in the original article! If you can’t read, then the “specs” won’t help and this won’t be a DIY projeft for you!
Just Google it
Just wondering exactly how you secured the top beams to the post, I know it says that you use lag bolts and I was just thinking how you did it. Did you go straight through the beam and into the end grain on the post?
It states right in the post that they are 7 feet apart, why can’t anybody read anything?
OK, mine is finished. I used treated 6 X 6 beams, and treated 2 X 6 for the diagonal braces. The posts are set in concrete holes 3 feet deep. The swings were purchased from: swingsandrockers.com/ProductDetails.asp?ProductCode=CSF5. I got the ones with the flip down console and arm cup holders. The swings come with all hardware and chains. I bought the hardware bolts and deck screws from ACE. I used Home Depot Deckover paint to cover the marks in the treated lumber. I poured a hexagon concrete slab 24′ across, and left a 3′ diameter hexagon in the center. I filled the 3′ hexagon with gravel and set a $200.00 round fire pit from Lowes on the gravel. I have used this many times this summer and the heat is no problem. I just do not build a roaring fire in the pit.
All total I have about $3,000.00 in the entire project; the swings were over $1,000.00 and the treated beams were $600.00. I live in the mountains and all things are more expensive here. The concrete was $140.00 per yard and took 4 1/2 yards.
I’m curious – how big is the outer diameter of your firepit with the 7′ radius hexagon?
How can you find someone to build this?
My wife and I just built this thanks for the list of supplies, we went 30″ deep with the posts and it came out nicely the wood cost us 215 and the hardware was 150, we had to guess at what material to use for the swings so we are using 2/4 for the bracing and 1×4 for the strips across. instead of 5 swings we are doing three swings and 2 hammocks.
what a beautiful design! I would love this in my backyard!
I made one as a birthday gift for my sister, using this site and specs and it is beautiful. My sister has a bed and breakfast in Katy TX. They use it for weddings as well (without the swings). She says everyone loves it and many people want me to build one for them but I don’t know how I would price it. It took me three days and six 6-packs to build by myself. If you had to build it for someone else how much would you charge?
I love this design. Getting ready to build it next to the river. I found a cement culvert, about 24″ high and about 24 inches across. I tend to use that for the firepit.
This is perfect. Can anyone recommend someone to build this more me in westchester, New York. 914-267-6219
The post should be 8 feet from each other and 7 feet from the center, each top brace being that same length cut at a 30 degree angle. The cross base should also be the same but put into place in the middle of the original brace. It could be recreated from any size board as so long as they’re all the same length. For example you could you 10 foot long braces, cut them all at 30 degree angles and place them in a hexagon like this one. Just make sure everything is the same length and it’s cake.
Great construction!
lovely design
Saw this a while ago and loved it. Two weeks ago a storm took down a tree that smashed our existing aluminium gazebo – where our son is due to be married in two weeks. So, we built this. Will add swings and fire pit after the wedding. Everyone loves it thanks for the inspiration. BJ Adelaide Hills, Australia
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Very nice idea…. with the swing and a firepit, its perfect sitting area during a cold night.
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I have had my heart set on out this in my backyard for about 5 years…. and I final have a space to build it!
I plan on doing 6 sides with 4 swings but I want to put a steel bar in one of the gaps for doing pull ups, muscle ups and hang rings off so I have a conditioning area 🙂
I too, build decks for a living and i can go back to decks I’ve put up using 4x4x8 from 10 years ago and they are still as solid as the day i installed them! So if your 4x4s arent lasting past 5 or 6 years may i suggest a new line of work, cause obviously you cant tell the difference in wood and dont need a job where you deal with wood daily
What kind of stone did you use for the floor space?
The final product looks really nice(doesn’t it always!). I am definitely bookmarking this for the possibility of one day being able to re-create this for myself. No more bringing a chair over to the fire pit!
Pingback: 12 Fire Pit Swing Plans | Guide Patterns
I’d like to know the type of bricks for the base of the fire pit and then the bricks you made the fire pit with, also how many did you need for the base and around, and also where you got the black fire pit ring! I greatly appreciate it!
Hi Kim, Thanks for your post it’s really helpful.