Cozy Bike Camper: The Little Tag Along
Do you plan to tour the countryside in the months to come but aren’t quite sure about the transport methods to do it in an eco-friendly manner? The rather strange-looking small camper you notice in the images is actually an awesome way of travelling you could adopt in your next ...

Easter Bunny Macarons Recipe
If your main dishes around this year’s Easter festivities revolve around a bunny theme, then you’re going to love this next dessert. The fact that Macarons are in style right now will only add to the success of the treats at your home gatherings. The Easter Bunny Macarons ...

Easy Project: Knitted Bunnies
As Easter is slowly coming to our dinner tables, home decor and presents, it’s better you have a solution ready – just in case you forget something. The knitted bunny is perfect as a gift or even as a small piece of decoration in your living room. The DIY project ...

Cute Towel Bunny Tutorial
Making a cute decoration to fit the Easter festivities is something all of your acquaintances and friends are doing right now? You too want to join the spirit but can’t find an appropriate piece of decor to fashion? Worry no more, because we have the simplest and most adorable ...

How to Build Your Own Fire Pit
People that choose to invest in the facilities available for entertainment in their yard is growing with each day. A fire pit may seem like the perfect choice, regardless of the climate. Having a nice evening around the fire with your friends or loved ones will definitely worth the ...

Amazing Horseshoes Clock
Are you in search for an original project you can do at home with things you already own? The object you see in picture is a very original DIY project. The owner of several horseshoes welded them together to form a rustic looking clock. The placement of the horseshoes is very interesting ...

DIY: Draw On A Light Bulb
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Who knew that wall art can be achieved without painting a single line on the structure itself? It sounds counter-intuitive, but the truth is you are able to have a great decor or pattern on a wall of your room without ...

DIY Dyed Minion Easter Eggs
Minions, minions everywhere. As the big Minions movie will hit theaters this year, the minion craze seem to be a never ending one. So this year, “dress up” your Easter eggs and give them a minion look. Your kids are going to love this little project. Use egg paint, googly ...

DIY Easter Bunny Clothespins
Here’s a lovely and simple Easter project that you can try out together with your kids. Due to its easy steps, it’s a perfect DIY tutorial for children and the outcome will be a very cute painted bunny decoration. You will need: wooden clothespins and acrylic paints. You ...