How to Make a Vertical Strawberry Tube Planter
Vertical gardening is becoming very popular with urban, sub urban and rural gardeners alike. It saves space by growing upwards which keeps plant off the ground and out of reach from a lot of insects that can harm the plants.
Creative and Unique Flower Pots
I found a cute idea … how to decorate a vase/pot with pieces of wood. With a bit of creativity and with a little help from your child, you can have unique flower pots. All you need to do, is to cut a branch into small pieces, just like the picture above. Enjoy!
Light Pallets Bed – DIY
As we have lately seen, pallets are the perfect material for a DIY furniture. Although tastes are so varied , you can bring in your home with minimal financial investment, extraordinary decorative and useful furniture, sofas, tables, shelves made from … wood pallets. Here ...
Cake Pan Stepping Stones – Do It Yourself
Trust me when I say that you don’t need any fancy or expensive mold to make garden stepping stones, all you need is a non-stick cake pan! And believe me you won’t even ruin the pan! Discover below a very easy way to make mosaic stepping stones.
Creative Idea For Your Cat – DIY Cat Tent
I found a great idea for cat lovers, how to make a cat tent in 3 steps. It’s easy, and no cutting or sewing machine. All you need is an old T shirt and two hangers as in image.
House on Wheels: Beautiful Tiny House with Ynez Design
Oregon Cottage Company built this tiny house for a client who wanted a large loft and a large kitchen with the Ynez design. OCC started from the other model design (Syskiyou), removed the porch, added a utility room, deck, and enlarged the loft. The dormer loft added head height at ...
Panda Bread – Idea For The Kitchen
Another food art to make in the kitchen is this creative panda bread. The original recipe is from an Asian website called Taro Taro. Luckily for those of us who can’t read the site, perfectpandas was kind enough to post a translation.
Awesome Fire Pit Swing Set
What’s better than sitting around a campfire in the summer evenings? A beautiful summer evening with a backyard fire pit is the perfect gathering spot for family and friends. How does it look this place ?
Backyard Movie Screen – DIY Outdoor
Summer evenings are perfect to watch an outdoor movie. You are ready for the outdoor entertainment? A backyard movie screen are in many sizes and are great for viewing just about anywhere. Perfect for movie nights, video games, sporting events, and even indoors for business seminars. ...