7. This box is genius if you want to convert your cargo van into a camper in seconds.
The box is worn comfortably on lateral folding handles and simply placed in the trunk. No self-assembly nor forgetting or losing anything because everything is mounted. The box fits through any standard door and takes less than 1 square meter floor space. More details here…
8. Freeze gallon jugs of water to keep food cold. You can also melt to drink!
9. Cook Bacon and Eggs…in a Bag!
more deatils here…
Where can I purchase item #3 (camp kitchen/chuck box) on your list?
Where can I get Item #3. The camp kitchen box
Where can i purchase item #7 camping box,
Amenagement pour dormir kangoo 2011
I would like to know the same thing. Did you get an answer or find something like this?
Where can I buy that cooking camp box?
Where can I find info about item 7 in English.