I found this creative idea to keep track of birthdays .. that can be a perfect gift for anniversaries, birthdays, or simply as a gift for yourself for your own home item. This sign has Family’s birthday’s listed as hanging tags with name and day hung under the appropriate month. You can choose your color options making this sign the perfect customized option.
available here….
interested in one of the Family Birthday Board for Christmas present…please reply
My mother had Alzhimers. I would like this for her that would have birthdays and anniversaries. Wondering how best to deal with those who are dec’d.
Does the price change for how many tags have to be used?
Thank you,
I would like to purchase 2 “Family Birthday” board.
Please advise how do I make payment and will you do delivery.
Interested in birthday board
I would like to order one of the Family Birthday Boards. Please adivse on how to do so.
I so want one! How do the tags come? As in how many and style?
http://www.facebook.com/GotWoodCrafts sells them for only $35 and comes with 20 discs
Very cute idea.
Everyone asking about how to order these: if you click on the “$55” above the last picture, it will direct you to the site where you can order it and ask questions directly to the person who makes them.
Interested in family birthday boards
i could.make these! Email me@ vinyl.image@email.com
How do I order one of the birthday boards?
I was wondering how many names/tags do you get for the $55.00? Also, is the reclaimed lumber sign the same price?
You can buy these from Paperjacks – a site on facebook, they are £25 for either Pastel Colour or the Cream & Charcoal including 25 hearts, more hearts are £2.50 per set of 6
email sam@paperjacks.co.uk to order, we also ship to the US
I brought mine here… very good value and the quality is amazing, i could choose the colour scheme also. They are in the UK but i got my plaque 6 days from when they posted out.
I would like the birthdays calendar. Do,you have a website or how do I order? Thanks